Part 48

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dayvon POV

Los Angeles, California
October 9th
Wednesday, 5:13 p.m.

I'm going to Asian house right now. I haven't texted or heard from Sevyn. But Jae did text me and ask if something happened that they don't know about because she has been quiet today. I told him I don't know what happened because she did this to herself.

When I got in front of ha house I texted ha and she immediately opened the door fa me. I went inside and went straight up to her room. I sat on ha bed and she came in and closed the door.

"You want me to suck it first?" She asked and i nodded. I don't even wanna say too much. I just wanna get my rocks off and leave. I haven't even fucked since I told Sevyn I wanted her. I be horny as hell because I know Sevyn not gone let me fuck.

Lemme stop thinking of Sevyn.

Asian got on her knees in front of me and started undoing my pants preparing herself and I looked around ha room. I wonder how many niggas ha whore ass done had in here since I stopped fucking wit ha.

Asian room just look like she a hoe. Sevyn room is so put together and organized and it smells like vanilla and fresh air. Asian room smell like weed and condoms. I'm irritated.

When she was about to start I looked down at her and I just could not stop thinking about Sevyn. How can I even fuck ha thinking about Sevyn. Cause she is NOT Sevyn.

"You know what. Nah Asian. I'm good." I said shaking my head and standing up and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Huh?" She said standing up too.

"I'm good. I ain't inna mood no mo." I said pulling up my pants.

"Von." She whined.

"I gotta go." I said grabbing my phone off the bed and opening the door. I went downstairs and unlocked the door and left out.

Even when I wanna get my lick back on Sevyn I can't. I want Sevyn.

I ordered a Uber and waited in a store so I wasn't just standing outside. When the Uber came I started texting Sevyn telling ha I was coming over there.

von👹: ma im comin ova there
von👹: im sorry fa not textin u all day

I bit my lip nervous. Sometimes Sevyn gets in moods where you really have to kiss her ass to get back in her good graces. And this may be one of those times. But the mindset that I'm in I'm willing to do it.

The whole car ride she didn't text me back but she's probably just in the shower or listening to her music hella loud. She does that a lot.

When I got there I got out and started buzzing her apartment over and over.

sevyn🌺: dont bother

von👹: whatchu mean ma let me in

sevyn🌺: no

I sighed. She being hella difficult. As I was about to text her some lady came with her key buzzing herself in.

"You coming in?" She asked making me look up from my phone.

"Yes. Preciate' you. My girl not answering ha phone." I said quickly getting the door she held for me and she laughed.

"No problem. Have a good day." She said walking off.

Thank goodness fa that lady cause I woulda been just standing there until Sevyn decided to buzz me up.

I went to the elevator and went up to the top floor where Sevyn apartment was. I went down the hall and I kid you not started banging on the door.

"Sevyn cmon ma." I said.

"Bro get away from my door." Sevyn said on the other side of the door but I noticed her voice sounded a little...stuffy.

"Sevyn open the door ma please. Why yo voice sound like that?" I said banging on the door again.

"Go away." She said and now her voice sounded farther away from the door.

"I'll bang on this shit and wait till yo grandma come home. Stop fucking playin wit me so damn much and open the door." I said lightly kicking the door. And I heard it unlock and she opened it a crack peeping her head out.

I immediately saw her red nose and puffy eyes.

"What?" She said looking at me with glassy eyes. She looked like she just tried to wipe her eyes but I could still tell she had been crying.

"Why you in here crying ma? What's wrong?" I asked looking at her and she just analyzed my whole body and her eyes started getting more watery.

"Why are you here?" She asked and i heard her voice crack a little.

"Ma what's wrong? Why are you crying? Move." I said pushing the door open wider harder and she had no choice but to step back a little from the door.

"Get out Von." She said looking at me and I closed the door and locked it behind me.

"Who made you cry ma? What's wrong?" I asked stepping close to her and she moved back quickly.

"Don't be doing that. You said something fucked up ta me Sevyn. Don't do that." I said shaking my head.

"Fuck I said something mean. You DID something. And for you to come back in here after you did it and start bossing me around? No. Get out." She said shaking her head.

"Whatchu mean? What I do?" I said confused.

"Don't play dumb. Is this what you've been doing all along? Every time we argue or disagree you go and fuck her." She said and my heart dropped.

"Who?" I said and i saw it looked like she got stuck and when she looked at me i saw the tears forming in her eyes again.

"Von. Get out. Get out." She said shaking her head.

"Who Sevyn? I ain't fuck nobody." I said shaking my head.

"Yes you did! Stop lying! Do not lie to me! I already know you had sex with her. Stop you just did it." She said pointing all over the place.

"Who? Asian?" I said.

"See look. You already know. You slept with her. Get out Von. Move." She said stepping back from me.

"I did not fuck ha Sevyn. Hold on. Hold the fuck up dont don't do that." I said stepping closer to her.

"Yes you did! She showed me the fucking messages of you asking! Stop lying!" She yelled and i took a deep breath. She's the only person who when she yells at me I don't yell back. Cause anyone else? We bout to have a muhfuckin screamin match till we put hands on each other.

"Aight ma you got it. I did text ha. But I did not fuck ha. I did not." I said and she just shook her head.

"No. You're a liar. Get out." She said.

"I ain't lying to you ma. Look this what happened—"

"I don't give a fuck! I don't give a fuck! I'm not going to sit here and listen to you lie and believe it! Why the fuck would you do that to me!?" She said and I ran my hand down my face annoyed she wont let me explain.

"You gone stop yelling? I can't tell you shit witchu yellin." I said.

"I don't want to hear shit in the first place Dayvon. You fucked her that's it. I don't care anymore." She said with her voice cracking.

"Ma. I did not fuck ha. I did not. If I did I woulda told you. I wouldn't have even came ova here that's disrespectful." I said stepping closer to her and she just looked at me with her sad glossy eyes. It hurt.

I never mean to make her cry.

She's so kind hearted and nice. I neva wanna purposefully hurt her. And I stopped before I did anything hurtful to ha because I knew there would be no coming back from it.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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