Part 90

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
December 24th
Sunday, 7:14 p.m.

"What do you guys want to eat? Do you want me to cook or do you want me to go get some food?" My nana asked coming from her room coming into the living room.

"I think I want to eat out tonight and then home cooked tomorrow. Because everything will be closed." I said and nana nodded going on her phone.

"So what do you guys want?" She asked.

"I think I want Chipot—"

"No." Von said covering my mouth and I side eyed him. And my nana laughed.

"What do you want Dayvon?" She asked him and I rolled my eyes.

"Chick Fil-A is right up the street." Von pointed and I sighed.

"Oh yeah I want Chick Fil-A." My nana said nodding and I put both of my thumbs down.

"Fine." I said getting up standing next to my nana to see what she was ordering.

I ended up putting the order in because nana doesnt know what everyone gets like I do. So we ordered it and she left out to go pick it up.

I sat down in front of the tree and started shaking the boxes that were for me to see what everyone got me.

Nala, Amiri, Jae, and Quincy are going to come over later tomorrow so we can all exchange gifts. So for right now all I have is nana's and Von's gifts.

"Stop bein sneaky. Put that shit down." Von said throwing a pillow at me.

"Don't throw nothing at me." I said throwing the pillow back hitting him in the face and he quickly got up and snatched me up by my collar making me laugh.

"Throw sum at me I'll beatcho ass." He said making me laugh.

We kept watching our show until my nana came. And she said she wanted to watch Almost Christmas with us and then make cookies. Dayvon and me are never saying no to nana.

We ate while watching the movie and I started helping my nana make the cookies. Dayvon was really just sitting at the counter eating the chocolate chips.

We put them in the oven and I made tea for all of us. Dayvon took a sip and immediately jerked his head back and looked at the mug.

"I know. Sevyn makes tea like she's from down South." My nana said and I held my chest.

"Is there too much sugar?" I said laughing.

"Yeah ma. Taste like imma get diabetes off that 1 sip." He said.

"Why didnt you tell me nana. I have been making it like that since I could remember." I said.

"You been tryna kill me for years." My nana said shaking her head and me and Dayvon laughed.

We drunk tea and talked and then took the cookies out the oven. And nobody fucked the cookies up more than Dayvon.

"You know. They say you can open 1 gift on Christmas Eve." I said slightly smirking at my nana and Dayvon and they looked at me with straight faces.

"No." Dayvon said.

"I don't see why not." I said.

"She does this every single year." My nana said walking away.

"I'm going to bed. Do not let her open any presents." She said going into her room and I pouted.

"Come to the room. Yeen openin shit." Von said turning the TV off and I rolled my eyes going to my room.

I got under the covers turning the TV on and Dayvon came in and closed and locked the door behind him. And turned off the light.

"Smoke wit me ma." Von said going over to his bag and I sat up. And I grabbed my lighter from my nightstand drawer.

"If you give me that lighter wit the pink flame imma beat yo ass." He said and I immediately stopped in my tracks.

"Sevyn." He said and I laughed.

"I don't have another lighter." I said.

"Gimme Sevyn." He said snatching it from me. I gave him a tray and he rolled up and I just watched him.

"Turn on some music." Von said and I got my phone and connected it to my speaker. I put it on low because it is a little late at night. I don't want to wake my nana.

I played some music playing Do Not Disturb by Drake.

He finished rolling up he rolled 1 blunt just for right now. And he lit it and took a hit letting the smoke go everywhere and i just store at him.

"Here ma." Von said passing it to me and i took it putting it between my lips and sucking the smoke in. And letting it fill my lungs and finally just ghosting it letting the smoke go out. And Dayvon laid back letting me take my hits.

And i passed it back to him and lit it up again.

I laid back letting my eyes fall low and started focusing on the song.

We finished off the blunt and we only smoked 1, but that 1 blunt was STRONG. So my eyes were low and red as hell.

"Look at yo eyes ma." Dayvon said laughing looking at my eyes and i smirked a little not even having the energy to laugh.

I got up and went to the bathroom mirror looking at my eyes. And to me my eyes weren't that red but Dayvon was definitely telling me how red they were.

"I want some more cookies ma." He said.

"Let's go get some cookies and milk." I said grabbing my phone and we left out of my room and went to the kitchen.

When we got in the kitchen i gave him a cookie off the pan and went to the fridge and poured us a glass on milk. And Dayvon sat up on the counter.

"Come right here ma." Von said and i went and stood in front of him.

"I luh you ma." Von said and kissed me and i looked in his eyes.

"I love you." I said and he kissed me again and reached down grabbing my butt and i laughed and pushed him away.

"Why do you love me Dayvon?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"I love you Sevyn because you smart as hell. You beautiful ma. You pretty as hell Sevyn seriously. I love the way the way you treat me ma. The way you support me. Don't nobody got my back the way you do and thats all i really wanted fa real. You all I wanted ma." Von said and i smiled and buried my face in his chest feeling shy and he laughed.

"Gimme kiss." Von said grabbing my neck and I poked out my lips and he kissed me.

"Imma marry yo sexy ass." He said kissing me again and i laughed.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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