Part 16

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

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Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 10th
Monday, 4:26 p.m.

I have work at 5:30 so I really have to hurry. But I truly was pushing it trying to squeeze in getting my hair done.

When me and Von got to the apartment my nana was gone. She been went to work. My nana works as a receptionist at our cousins company. Just keeps her off her feet so she doesn't have to be walking around as much. And she gets paid pretty well.

"Where nana at?" Von asked.

"She has work around this time remember?" I said going to my room while Von followed behind me.

I put my things down and rushed to the closet while Von sat on the bed on his phone.

"Where you work at again?" Von asked as I closed the closet door throwing some clothes on.

"Barnes and Noble. I'm not going to tell you that again Von." I said pulling up my pants and putting my shirt on.

I have to dress as basic ass possible going to work. So really just a plain pair of jeans. No rips or cuts. A basic t shirt, I am allowed to wear a graphic t depending on what's on it. Today I just have on SADE graphic t and I put on some white air forces. I kept on my jewelry and came out the closet to look in the big mirror.

"And you still look good." Von said looking at me and I threw my head back.

"Don't start this again." I said shaking my head and he laughed.

I fixed some things and packed my work bag. Which just consists of my laptop, my iPad, my chargers, pen, hair brush, comb, wallet, keys, and my work badge.

I threw my bag over my shoulder along with my coat and Von got up and followed behind me as I left. We caught the bus again and just talked about random shit once we got on.

"What are you going to do the whole time im working?" I asked.

"Wander around the store and follow you around." Von said.

"You're gonna get me in trouble." I whined.

"I won't talk to you that much. And imma be waitin fa yo break and imma buy yo lunch." He said.

"I can buy us—"

"I'm going to buy the damn lunch Sevyn. Always tryna pay fa sum." He said making me laugh.

When we got there we got off and walked the rest of the way. He waited sitting down in the magazine section while I went to the back and put my things down and clocked in.

I came back out putting my badge on and started getting the box of books to start shelving. Once Von saw me he picked up a magazine and pretended like he was asking me about it while I stocked the shelves.

But of course I had to stop a couple of times to help actual customers. But talking to Von while I worked was a lot more fun. Because it is rather silent in here since it's technically a book store.

"Why you keep lookin ova there?" Von asked me because I kept looking over at the music section.

"My co worker just put out that ANTI vinyl and I NEED to get it. I don't want anyone else to buy it. But I cant buy anything while on my shift. And I cant hide it either." I said pouting.

"You want it?" He asked and I nodded still stocking the shelves.

"Whea the bathroom at?" He asked and I pointed.

"I'll be right back ma." He said putting the magazine down and I nodded.

I slipped my airpod in since I wasn't talking. And I cant just stand here in silence. I hid the airpod behind my ear letting Ni**as in Paris by JAY-Z and Kanye West play in my ears. I focused on stocking the shelves since Von wasn't there distracting me.

Dayvon POV

I ain't goin to the damn bathroom. Imma buy ha that damn album. I kept looking behind me to make sure she wasn't following me. And I went over to the music section and picked up the album.

"Goddamn." I said out loud looking at the price. It was $55. But the shoes and the game she bought me cost way more than that. She wasn't stingy with her money so I can't be stingy with mines.

I snuck my way to the register and bought it and asked the employee to just keep it for me so I could go off and still "shop". And I went back ova to Sevyn.

"You good ma?" I asked and she nodded.

"You really wen to the bathroom or you went and stole something." She said rolling her eyes and I looked at ha with a straight face.

"Why you always tryna call me a criminal?" I said.

" are one." She said picking up the empty box.

4 HOURS LATER, now Sevyn's shift is over. And she went to the back to clock out and get her things. So I went to the register and got the vinyl and waited on her. When she came back she stopped where she was when she saw what I was holding.

"Dayvon." She said covering her mouth and I took her bag carrying it for her and giving her the vinyl.

"Why did you get this?" She whined.

"You bought me everything I wanted yesterday ma. You deserve it. Don't worry about it. Worry about what nana cooking when I go over there." I said.

"She works overtime on Monday's. I'm cooking." She said.

"Yo food good as hell too." I said.

"You're staying for dinner?" She asked and i nodded.

"I go where you go ma." I said and she threw her head back.

"God bless me." She said making me laugh.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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