Part 141

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Sevyn POV

Los Angeles, California
August 8th
Saturday, 1:23 A.M.

"This is not the move." I said getting out of the sprinter with Durk and he laughed.

"Tell yo nigga to stop getting arrested." Durk said and I just shook my head. He has no idea how much we've gotten into it about this exact thing. I don't want to keep getting into arguments about because bottom line, I knew who he was and what he did before we even started talking. We were friends for years, he would be with us and get arrested sometimes. So it's nothing I haven't seen.

I just view it differently now because it's my man. I don't want to hear him being locked up. But I'm going to suck it up because it is what it is and I just need to get him out.

And I'm still trying to find out what exactly all of them were arrested for. What did they do now?????

I have spoken to Dayvon again and we had to go get 3 different bags of money. To bail out Quincy, Jae, and Dayvon. But me and Durk are going to get Von first.

We got on the plane and I went to where only the seats were and Durk went to where the table was to roll up. Normally I would smoke, but just thinking about Von in a cell makes me sick. I don't feel like smoking. The only thing I need right now is a damn nap.

5:34 A.M.

When the plane landed we got off and got in the car and I saw Nala and Amiri calling me in the group chat. So I just answered, and I didn't feel like getting my headphones out of my bag so I just let it be on speaker. I don't give a damn if Durk hears.

"Where are you atttttt?" Nala said.

"We just landed in LA." I said.

"We?" Amiri said.

"Yeah me and Durk." I said showing Durk for a second.

"Her casually in the car with Lil Durk." Nala said making me laugh.

"Have you guys heard anything new?" I asked.

"Quincy called me not too long ago. But Jae can't take calls anymore apparently." Nala said and Amiri rolled her eyes.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Quincy said Jae was being uncooperative so they took away his phone privileges and we haven't seen or heard from him." Nala explained and I shook my head.

"Well what is he in there doing? Because Dayvon hasn't even gotten his phone privileges taken away." I said.

"I don't know but Quincy hasn't seen him." Nala said.

"Are they in the same place? Like together?" I asked and Amiri shook her head.

"No. Quincy said that. Right now the only one we're actually getting information from is Quincy. But he said he would tell me everything when he got out know they can't say everything on that phone." Nala said and i squinted my eyes looking at Nala.

"Oh wow. He's going to tell you EVERYTHING? That is cuteeee." I said smiling and she deeply sighed.

"I'm about to remove myself from the group chat." She said making me laugh. But I have always shipped Nala and Quincy. She is so aggressive and he is so soft. Like they would be so cute together.

"Where are you going now?" Amiri asked.

"To give the money to Quincy's mom, and Jae's mom to bail them out. And then we're going to get Dayvon." I said.

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