Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
Los Angeles, California June 9th Saturday, 10:21 A.M.
I woke up to feeling Dayvon's arm tightening around my neck...
He spent the night last night because he wanted to smoke a lot of weed with me. So after he got his clothes from home and we smoked. We were SLUMPED.I think I'm still high.
"Baby." I said pulling on his arm to loosen up and he groaned.
"Stoppp. Let's sleep." Dayvon said.
"It's 10 in the morning." I said pulling harder but he was not letting go.
"Come onnnn. Go back to sleep." He said and i rolled my eyes.
"So you don't want to smoke again and have breakfast?" I asked and he let go of my neck making me laugh. I got up immediately putting my feet in my slippers because I don't walk around barefoot.
"Only if you shower with me." I said lightly pulling his arm and he sighed.
"Now you doin too much." He said.
"Please." I said and he got up throwing the covers off himself.
I got my phone and we went into the bathroom together. I washed my face and washed Dayvon's face the exact same. When he is here I always make sure he's taken care of.
45 MINUTES LATER, when we got out of the shower he dried me off and I put my robe on and opened the bathroom door to let the steam out.
"You gone lotion me up?" Dayvon said following close behind me and I rolled my eyes.
"Hell no." I said taking the covers off the bed and he just looked at me.
"Fuck you mean you not?" He said making me laugh.
"For what? Are you a baby?" I asked.
"You did it the last time I stayed the night." He said.
"That was because you put your head between my legs 5 times in a row." I said starting to make the bed and he sighed and went to his bag to get his clothes.
"I ca use yo stuff?" He asked as I was fluffing my pillows.
"Of course." I said going in the bathroom next to him and pulling stuff out. Of course I put on a lot more stuff than him though.
"You wanna go out fa breakfast and smoke inna car?" He asked leaving out the bathroom.
"Umm...yes. Just let me make breakfast for nana. She just got those sausages you and her like." I said putting deodorant under my arms.
"Fa real?" He said in a high voice and I laughed.
"Yes, do you want one?" I asked.
"Yes ma please. I'm takin that shit ta go." He said making me laugh again.
I went to my closet and picked out my outfit and got dressed. I wore this.
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