Sevyn and Von hung around the same people but did not like each other. But they were just cordial. Until Von's birthday came up and Sevyn was the only friend of his that remembered.
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Sevyn POV
Los Angeles, California August 13th Friday, 6:15 a.m.
I got out of the shower and dried off. I put my robe on and left out the bathroom. Humming the melody of Kiss It Better by Rihanna.
I made the bed and went to my closet while looking at my notifications again. And i saw Von texted me.
von👹: good morning ma von👹: im outside yo door
I just shook my head. How did he even get in the building without me buzzing him up? I went to the door and opened it and saw Von on his phone.
Wearing black jeans with some rips in them and a red belt around his waist but he still had his pants sagging a little for some reason. A plain black t shirt. A black beanie. And he had on all black Jordan 4's.
"How are your pants sagging right now?" I asked staring and squinting.
"Bigga question is why is yo freaky ass lookin at my dick." Von said walking past me and i rolled my eyes.
We went to my room and he sat on the bed going on his phone and i went back to my closet.
"How you feelin ma? About goin ta school today. I remember whatchu told me last night." He said.
"I don't even feel any way about it anymore. I'm just going to keep my headphones on and simply not talk today. I hope everyone will understand im not trying to be mean." I said.
"Stop bein worried about bein mean ma. I be mean alla time and im straight." Von said.
"And there is a big difference between me and you Von. You're mean and im nice." I said.
"You think im mean ma?" He said.
"I're not technically...nice?" I said closing the closet door starting to get dressed.
"But you think im mean ta you?" He asked.
"Um...not anymore really." I said. I put this on.
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I came out of the bathroom straightening out my dress. I went to my long mirror and back to my dresser and started picking out some jewelry.
"Come here lil folks." Von said and i walked over to him.
"You know you fine as hell." He said making me laugh.
"You keep telling me." I said.
"And if anybody else tell you, tell me. I'll shoot they ass in da chest." He said and i hit his chest.
"Imma come pick you up at 6 ma. Ass better dress up." He said pushing me away and i sat at my vanity.
"I already have an idea of what i want to wear." I said starting to do my makeup.
When i finished i packed my bag and we went to the kitchen. I made my tea and my nana's tea and brought it to her. And left out with Von.
We waited for the bus and got on and went to school.
3:16 p.m.
Today was just as annoying as I thought it was going to be. But i drowned it all out. I didnt even want to go into the cafeteria because i knew people would be up my ass.
So me, Von, Amiri, Nala, Jae, and Quincy sat with our favorite teacher in his class and ate lunch. It was better than sitting in the cafeteria. I hope we do that tomorrow.
I left out of the building with Nala, Jae, and Von. Jae said he would drive me home. All of a sudden no one likes me taking the bus anymore. But im not complaining. At least I don't have to wait in this hot ass sun to get in a hot ass bus.
We got in the car and he dropped me off at my house and Von said he'd see me later. And honestly im excited about this date because number 1 I've never been on one. Dates have always been so cute to me.
And number 2 im excited to see where Von takes me. And im excited to eat. And number 3 I hope me and Von just deeply talk the whole time.
I only feel like I know someone if we've had a deep talk. I want to know how your brain works and your honest opinions on things. I like asking odd questions no one else asks.
Like do you believe in aliens? Why or why not? What do you think happens after we die. What do you think is the true meaning of life.
I love picking someone's brain.
I went up to the apartment and went straight to my room. I decided I was going to take a bath and write in my journal. I haven't wrote in it in a while. I just give like weekly or monthly updates depending on when I remember.
I put a stopper in the tub and started running the hot water. While I let the water rise up I took off my makeup and tied up my hair in a bonnet. And I went back into the bathroom and put bubbles in the water but not too much. I connected my Ipad to the speaker and lit some lavender incense, sure to calm me down.
I set up my little table I bought so I could be on my laptop or write while in the tub.
I took off my clothes and left my phone in the bedroom. I closed the door and turned off the main light. Only the purple LED lights showing in the room. I turned on some music listening to IDGAF by Tee Grizzley ft Chris Brown & Mariah The Scientist.
I got in the tub immediately feeling relaxed by the hot water on me. I sat down all the way and threw my head back taking a deep breath. I'm going to soak in the heat from the water and let myself relax before I start writing.