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☆ 17. Chapter 17font record

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Chapter 17

Bai Neng understood, and immediately opened his mouth and bit Wang Shan's sleeve, pulling him towards the lake in the direction of Yan Zhi. It's a pity that Xiaobai is just a little fox that was just born. Although he is a descendant of the Qingqiu Nine-tailed God Clan, his bloodline is not pure at all, and he has not inherited the magical power of the Nine-tails. Although he has begun to practice, his strength is no more than An ordinary kitten is stronger, and it is very difficult to drag an unconscious middle-aged man.

Yan Zhi looked at Xiaobai's effort and became even more anxious. He had no choice but to look at the lotus in the middle of the lake behind him, gritted his teeth, and suddenly rushed back into the lotus, disappearing immediately. A moment later, his figure appeared on the lake again, but this time he did not float gracefully on the lake, but fell into the water with a "plop". Yan Zhi looked at the direction of Wangshan Mountain and hurriedly swam across the lake.

While Xiaobai was still struggling to drag Wang Shan, he saw two slender white hands appearing on Wang Shan's shoulders. Xiaobai looked up, and then gave Yanzhi a confused "meow" sound. Yan Zhi had no time to pay attention to Xiao Bai. He dragged Wang Shan's body into the lake, letting Wang Shan's body be completely immersed except for his head. Then he jumped into the lake himself and supported Wang Shan's body. To prevent Wang Shan from drowning.

Obviously, Wang Shan is not the only one who has this symptom. Since the past few days, almost everyone who went out regardless of the direct sunlight has developed some discomfort. People's skin that has been exposed to the harsh sunlight becomes red and swollen. In severe cases, it even begins to turn yellow and pus, and hair falls out in handfuls. The symptoms of those who had been in the wild yesterday were even more severe. Their exposed skin had some small wounds from insect bites, especially on the particularly delicate skin of the neck, which stung extremely when touched. , the symptoms were much more severe than those of Wang Shan. In fact, at first, the insect bite wounds did not cause much discomfort to people, and no one paid much attention to it. However, gradually, people felt very thirsty, and their bodies showed symptoms of severe dehydration. Their skin became dry and cracked, and when they made movements The skin will tear when the skin is broken, and blood will flow out from the cracked mouth. The scene is very scary. In fact, this situation is quite good. Some people's symptoms are even more frightening. Their skin is chapped and their people will slowly shrink, like dehydrated vegetables in instant noodles, turning into mummies. The scary thing is that in this process They are still conscious, and there is probably nothing in the world that is more frightening than being unable to do anything about your own death.

Of course, these are only what happened in continents Y and O. The situation in continent F is more serious than this. People dare not go out during the day because going out means being exposed to the sun. They have no choice but to go out at night, just like mice. Still living with trepidation. The earth is now half flames and half icebergs. In the past few months, when "sleeping sickness" was still raging, continent M and areas close to the North and South Poles were experiencing unbearable cold. It had started to snow earlier, and many The two-story building was buried in thick snow. People used various methods to shovel the snow, but the speed of shoveling the snow could not keep up with the speed of the snow. Many animals and unprepared people froze and suffocated to death, and their bodies were buried in snowdrifts with no way to dig them out. The snow disaster also took away the electricity that people depended on for survival, and the world seemed to have lost its light.

However, Wang Shan, who was still unconscious in Youranzhong, naturally had no knowledge of these things. Even ordinary people, except for the top leaders of various regions, have no idea what is happening on the other side of the world.

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