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☆ 46. Chapter 46font record

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Chapter 46

After adjusting the button, he glanced at Wang Shan who was snickering, and asked him with an expressionless face: "Ah Shan, do you have a discomfort in your throat?"

Wang Shan quickly put back the laughter he was about to make, and changed the subject: "Just now I seem to have seen the monk behind him move." Although Yan Zhi no longer snickered when he saw Wang Shan, the teasing in his eyes could still be seen clearly, Yan Zhi let out a "hum" and stopped talking to Wang Shan. Shan spoke and went to the back where the monk was lying. Wang Shan saw in the rearview mirror that Yan Zhi's face was expressionless, but his ears were red, and he looked awkward. He couldn't help but smile on his face again.

Wang Shan was right. When Yan Zhi walked over, the monk was struggling to sit up. Yan Zhi quickly helped him, and the monk sat up. Because he was too weak, a simple movement seemed to exhaust all his strength. He leaned back on the chair, and after his rapid breathing subsided, he clasped his hands, lowered his eyes slightly, and said to Yan Zhi very humbly: "The poor monk's name is Yan Zhen. Thank you so much for the donor, Amitabha."

Yan Zhi had a very good impression of this monk. Although Taoism and Buddhism were incompatible with each other in some concepts of cultivation, Yan Zhi had always admired those humble and courteous monks. He asked the monk: "Are you an ascetic?" Although Yanzhen's body was weak, his voice was very gentle and pleasant, which made people feel very comfortable. He said: "The rules and precepts are clear, the bells in the morning and the drums in the evening, the body is suffering only when the mind is tired, and the poor monk is not aware of it." Bitter." Yan Zhi looked at the dirty monk in front of him with a face full of dirt and even his clothes were stained with mud, and asked him, "Even when he is in such a mess." Yanzhen looked at his own Embarrassed, he laughed and replied calmly: "Even when we are in such an embarrassing situation."

Yan Zhi couldn't help but laugh out loud. This monk did indeed have something interesting. He asked Yanzhen: "Why don't you ask who we are?" , what if we are not good people?" Then he looked at the monk in front of him and said deliberately: "Although you look thin and have no meat on your body, you can be raised as food, don't you think?" The monk listened and said There was no big mood swing. He still clasped his hands and said: "Sakyamuni Buddha once cut meat to feed eagles. Buddha loves all living beings and never leaves all living beings. Poor monks are not talented, but they are not greedy for life and fear of death. If the donor eats The poor monk can let others go, and the poor monk will naturally have no complaints."

Yan Zhi looked at the monk in front of him, he was really arrogant, but this idea was flattering. Yan Zhi asked him again: "You don't even have any cultivation, how can you be comparable to the Buddha? Moreover, the Buddha was willing to cut his meat and feed it to the tiger in order to save the pigeon from the tiger's mouth. Although it was everything to the pigeon, it was not the same to the Buddha. It's just a trivial matter for you." Yanzhen frowned and said, "A poor monk is not a warrior monk. He is willing to sacrifice himself even if he doesn't have martial arts." This time it was Yan Zhi's turn to wonder, aren't cultivation and martial arts two different things? , is it possible that Buddhist cultivation is to practice these two together? Yan Zhi thought about it and realized that monks still care about cultivation methods and generally would not tell others the truth, so he didn't think about this issue again, and then talked to the monk about other things.

Wang Shan, who was driving in front, naturally noticed what was going on here. He saw that Yanzhi was having a very happy chat with the monk named Yanzhen. He could understand some of the Buddhist principles and Dharma they said, but he couldn't agree with some of them. Logically speaking, Wang Shan should be happy, but when he saw Yan Zhi talking to others with a pleasant smile, he felt a little uncomfortable. He saw a large yard in front of him, and carefully explored it with his spiritual sense. The yard was very big, but there was nothing to cover it. If only Yanzhi and the others were there, he would take the car directly to Youran Juli. , and then entered the house, but because Yanzhen was still in the car at this time, he had to find another place where the car could be covered. When Wang Shan saw that the two people behind him chatted more and more, they felt like they had met each other late. He finally couldn't help but said to Yan Zhi who was talking: "A Sheng, didn't you just make porridge?" Is it? It should be cooked by now."

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