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☆ 4. Chapter 4font record

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Chapter 4

Wang Shan was drinking water and thinking, if I come in again next time, I must eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables here, so as not to starve to death due to being unable to get out. Thinking of this, Wang Shan thought darkly, the premise is that I can get out! Wang Shan raised his neck and howled: "I want to get out!"

As soon as he finished shouting, Wang Shan found himself sitting on his bed and howling at the window. Wang Shan almost jumped up with excitement. It turned out that the slogan was "I want to go out"! Of course, what Wang Shan doesn't know now is that there is no need for a formula to come back. As the master, he can come back as long as he has a thought. It's just because his spiritual energy is insufficient and he doesn't have enough strength to come back. This space is indeed easy to enter and difficult to exit. To enter, you only need the approval of the owner; to exit, the owner not only needs to agree but also has sufficient spiritual power. Wang Shan drank a lot of lake water in space to replenish his strength.

Wang Shan is just like in a dream now, even cooking seems full of energy and quite excited. He made noodles and steamed a tray of steamed buns. I washed the beans, cut the meat, and fried the beans and pork belly. I heated up the leftover ribs from yesterday with more water and made a ribs, peas and radish soup.

After dinner, Wang Shan took a bucket and went to the greenhouse to water the vegetables and fruits. Wang Shan was surprised to find that most of the vegetables planted a few days ago had sprouted, tender and green, and very cute. Wang Shan I thought that in a few days I would be able to eat fresh and delicious green vegetables that absolutely do not contain pesticides every day.

Wang Shan called and made an appointment to install the Internet cable, then looked at his watch and saw that there were still four or five hours before the appointed time, so he returned to the east wing to catch up on his sleep. Wang Shan was lying on the bed, thinking that he would be too excited to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, Wang Shan fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, and he slept very soundly.

After sending away the staff who installed the network cable, Wang Shan set up the wireless router, put the computer on the dining table, and began to search for seal characters. After searching for a long time, Wang Shan only found some information on inscriptions in Xiaozhuan that corresponded to relevant traditional Chinese characters. Wang Shan took out some seal script books from the space and began to look up the titles of these books word by word for future reference.

Wang Shan felt that the original owner must be quite knowledgeable, because just from the titles, it can be seen that there are many types of books, such as astronomy and geography, Five Elements and Bagua, elixir and weapon refining... There are even legendary novels and strange stories. It is simply endless. It's like a small library. Wang Shan was a little addicted to these books and wished he could read them all at once, but just thinking about it, if he read them all in one go, he would definitely starve to death.

Wang Shan has been sorting out these seal script books these days, but the information he can find online is limited, so he has no choice but to go to the bookstore. Wang Shan saw that his injuries were almost healed, and he would definitely start cultivating in the future, so farming in his hometown was the best choice. After Wang Shan made his decision, he went out and took the car back to the city.

Wang Shan first went to the company where he worked and submitted his resignation. The boss of the company was surprised and even suspected that Wang Shan was going to change jobs to other companies. He earnestly advised Wang Shan not to resign, which made Wang Shan helpless. He had to promise that he would not change jobs and would just go home and farm, so that the company boss I left the company only when I felt relieved.

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