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☆ 15. Chapter 15font record

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Chapter 15

... No, your aunt is dead. How come that old woman is dead? We were obviously lying on the bed together at that time, but how come she died? Why didn’t I die? We obviously In bed together? "Wang Shan felt a little uncomfortable listening to Mr. Wang's mumbling. He naturally understood that Mr. Wang's wife was one of the victims of the previous strange disease.

A middle-aged man standing next to Mr. Wang, He supported Mr. Wang's body and said to him: "Dad, don't think about it. It's all over. We will get better in the future, Dad. "Then the man led Mr. Wang to sit beside the millstone.

"Everything will be fine. "Wang Shan thought silently as he looked at Mr. Wang's rickety figure.


12. Shooting...

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the survivors in the village arrived one after another. The number was indeed much smaller than before. , Wang Shan looked at it and felt that it was not even half of the original population. The expressions on the faces of the villagers were not as good as before. Most of them had lost weight, their faces looked frighteningly sallow, and their eyes were dim and gloomy. .

After a while, Lu Xin stood in front, and there was a small group of soldiers. The soldiers carried guns and looked serious. They stood neatly behind Lu Xin. Wang Shan had not seen those soldiers before. It seemed that Lu Xin was They brought a lot of people here. Thinking about it, if they don't have strong power, they can't make other villagers listen to them.

After a soldier counted the number of people, Lu Xin stepped forward and started to speak loudly: "Today I have called everyone here mainly to announce two things. First, since we started taking charge, we have told everyone clearly and clearly that we must behave in a disciplined manner and do not try to take advantage of troubled waters and bully the elderly and children. Yesterday, when we patrolled the village, we found someone openly breaking into and robbing houses. Let me tell you, we will not tolerate such criminals. "Then Lu Xin motioned with his eyes to a soldier behind him.

The soldier understood and came to the front of the stage with a strong man tied up. Lu Xin continued: "This man's name is Liu Shuan. Someone must know him. "The villagers below began to communicate with each other in a low voice. Wang Shan heard them say that Liu Shuan was a gangster in the village. He usually did not do his job and specialized in doing dirty things. Almost no one in the village wanted to see him.

Lu Xin coughed and said The villagers all stopped talking. Lu Xin waited for silence and then continued: "Yesterday we found out that he robbed the food of Widow Zhang's house, and Widow Zhang was injured by him when she resisted. "The villagers below have experienced many incidents of robbery and injury during this period. The villagers who robbed people were concerned about how Lu Xin would punish Liu Shuan. The villagers who were robbed were very angry, even though they knew clearly that it was not Liu Shuan who robbed them. He also wanted to rush forward and beat him up, and those who had not been robbed or robbed had hatred in their eyes.

Lu Xin went on to say: "I said, I will never do anything when I am in charge. This is allowed to happen. "Lu Xin glanced at the soldier standing next to him.

The soldier took off the gun hanging on his body, and with a "bang", before anyone could react, he shot Liu Shuan, who was tied up.

Everyone was shocked. Most of the villagers were just honest farmers before the war and had never even seen a gun. But now a shooting occurred in front of them. The shock was not small. Not to mention that although they He felt that Liu Shuan was a fool but never thought of letting him die.

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