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☆ 24. Chapter 24font record

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Chapter 24

? Wang Shan nodded quickly, and Uncle Yan Zhi said, "Okay, Ah Shan, go get me a pair of underwear." "Wang Shan happily agreed.

Yan Zhi finished solving his physical problems and was about to open the door and go out. Wang Shan next to him stretched out his arm to stop him. Yan Zhi was just about to ask what was wrong? He heard Wang Shan leaning into his ear. He whispered: "There is someone outside, and they are coming for us. "Although Wang Shan's cultivation level is not high, his hearing is still very good, and Yan Zhi also knows this. Wang Shan and Yan Zhi looked at each other, Wang Shan picked up the mop next to him, then took off the mop head, and Holding the stick, he cautiously signaled to Yan Zhi that he was about to open the door. Yan Zhi nodded to indicate that he understood. He had no cultivation at all, so it was better to be cautious. As soon as

Wang Shan opened the door, a kitchen knife was spread across his head and face. It came over, Wang Shan resisted with the stick in his hand, and suddenly felt someone behind him. Wang Shan threw the person in front of him to the ground with all his strength, turned around quickly, and then raised his leg to kick the person in the abdomen. Wang Shan had never learned this before. I don’t know how hard I used my kung fu, but that kick used a lot of brute force and was very powerful. The man was kicked to the ground, clutching his stomach and only trembling. He struggled to stand up but was in so much pain that he couldn’t move at all. No, just when Wang Shan breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Yan Zhi shout: "Behind! "Wang Shan turned around, and the man with the kitchen knife rushed up again. Wang Shan used the stick in his hand to knock the man's kitchen knife away, and then directly used the stick to press the man down. The man He was restrained and could not move.

Seeing that these two people were completely subdued, Wang Shan looked at Yan Zhi, his expression seemed to ask, what should I do next? Yan Zhi glanced at him with contempt, turned around and went in A destroyed office, and then took out two long plastic ropes. Wang Shan knew that kind of rope, which was often used to tie books. It was very strong.

Wang Shan took the rope and Yan Zhi tied the two The beaten man who was unable to resist helped him up and was about to start tying him up. Suddenly, several small black figures rushed up. One of them grabbed Wang Shan's calf, opened his mouth and bit it. With that kind of force, Wang Shan felt his own body. The bones were about to be bitten off. Wang Shan quickly pushed away the little figure jumping on him with both hands, and then picked up the stick next to him to hit him without thinking. The man who was subdued just now suddenly jumped up and hugged him The little figure just now blocked it with his own body. Wang Shan's stick fell with inertia and hit the man hard.


22. Heartbeat...

Just now, Wang Shan had clearly seen the man who was coming towards him. The little black shadow was just a child. His face and clothes were all dirty, and his hair was messy. It was hard to tell whether he was a boy or a girl. Just now, Wang Shan relaxed and was tying up people with Yan Zhi, not paying attention to the people around him. The situation was also due to his lack of experience, so he was successfully attacked by a child.

Wang Shan took a closer look and found that the person who just hugged the child turned out to be a woman. This woman should be wearing work clothes from a paper factory. Blue Colorful, with the name of the paper mill embroidered on the top, the same style for both men and women. Just now, the woman rushed up and chopped with a kitchen knife. Her actions without fear made Wang Shan think she was a man. Now that he thought about it, he didn't show any fear just now. He attacked children and women softly. Although he was fighting back, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

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