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☆ 44. Chapter 44font record

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Chapter 44

They can't see themselves, otherwise they might really be caught. Seeing that Zheng Hua and Dagang were both busy, he quietly walked toward the door. Since his goal had been achieved, it was better to leave quickly.

Just when Wang Shan moved his body, the police dog Dahei lying on the ground, the black eyes in his round eyes moved as Wang Shan moved. He obviously felt Wang Shan's movement, but did not pounce on him. go. Just as Wang Shan was approaching the door, the police dog Dahei suddenly stood up and looked ready to attack, feeling like he would pounce at any time. Wang Shan was startled and did not dare to move anymore. He looked at Dahei nervously and kept thinking about what kind of spell he should cast to get rid of the police dog, or simply hide in Youranju.

"Dahei, come here!" Zheng Hua saw Dahei looking like he was about to rush up and bite someone, so he called him. Dahei turned his head and looked at Zheng Hua, but made no next move. Zheng Hua didn't expect that Dahei didn't listen to him. He couldn't help frowning, waving to Dahei and shouting: "Come here, Dahei!" Dahei then ran to Zheng Hua, and Zheng Hua touched him as a reward. its head. Dahei wagged his tail, then turned his head and looked at the door. When he didn't find anything, he lay down next to Zheng Hua again, his tail wagging listlessly.

Zheng Hua looked at the door in confusion, and then at Dahei beside his legs. Dahei used to be a drug-detection police dog. He has the most sensitive sense of smell and has always been very sensible. Such a strange behavior today is really unusual. After entering the room, he first yelled at the room, and just now he looked like he was ready to rush forward and bite someone's neck off at any time. This is really unusual. Zheng Hua looked at the room with only Dagang, Dahei, himself and a pile of supplies. He couldn't help but think, didn't they all say that animals can see things that humans can't? Did Dahei just see something unclean? thing? Thinking of this, Zheng Hua couldn't help but shudder.

Wang Shan, who had just come out while the police dog turned around, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he walked outside. After thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face. He didn't expect that now he felt guilty for doing good deeds rather than being a thief.

Wang Shan took advantage of the fact that it was still dark, and quickly unlocked the invisibility technique when he arrived at a place where no one was around. Fortunately, his cultivation had improved a bit recently, otherwise he would never have been able to last for such a long time outside where spiritual energy was scarce. He didn't drive the car out of Youran Juli, but ran quickly. Although the speed couldn't keep up with the speed of driving, it was still very fast. When he passed the place where he had placed the gangsters before, he stopped.

The gangsters were still the same as before, tied up with ropes and stuffed into their cars. Wang Shan untied them, and the group of people were under a spell. They were in a daze, as if they were suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Wang Shan cleared his throat and said to them in a very clear voice and a strange tone like chanting a spell: "Wake up!" and then continued: "You'd better change your past and be a good person when you go back, otherwise, Next time... there will be no next time for you!" If you violate the rules set by the caster, the curse will occur. It is best to die immediately. If you are not lucky enough to die, you may not be able to survive for the rest of your life. It would be a nightmare. After saying that, Wang Shan left without stopping any longer. Now he still moved forward as much as possible. It looked like it was going to be dawn soon. It was best to find a safe and hidden place as soon as possible.

After listening to Wang Shan's words, the group of people still looked confused. They woke up after Wang Shan left for a while. They were all a little incredible. They really couldn't understand why they were robbing others for no reason. In the car. When I was about to think about the robbery, it felt like a drill had been inserted into my head. The pain was really heartbreaking. They dare not think about it anymore, as if there is a voice in their head telling them not to do bad things again, otherwise it will not be as simple as pain. This group of people suddenly calmed down a lot. Starving to death is certainly scary, but it is absolutely unimaginable to die in pain as if you are enduring torture all the time. Besides, as long as you work hard, you will not starve to death in AS County.

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