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Tatijana's POV

"I'm so excited!" Alba says. We are going to the Bernabéu to watch a clasico, it's her first one and I've been hearing her yap about it this whole time.

"it's just a clasico," I tell her as we get out of my car.

"easy for you to say, you've been to like 12, just let me have my moment." She rolls her eyes at me.

"you disgust me. How can you pull up in a Barca jersey?" She's a Barcelona fan, trust me if she told me this the second we met, we wouldn't be friends but we were too far gone before I found that out. My uncle is Cristiano Ronaldo, even though not many people know Hala Madrid for life.

"oh shush, Barca are a better team." I love her but sometimes she says the most outrageous things, I can't defend her.

"you're not staying in my house," I joke.

"I'm sorry, why are you in Spain anyway?" She asks me like I haven't told her five times already.

"I'm taking a break from singing so I came here." She nods her head, "why are you living with me in Madrid if you live in Barcelona?"

"I'm not acting currently and I found out through the media that my best friend was here, the media! A kind of best friend you are. Anyway if I had known I would've let you stay with me but why not stay with you if you're already here." I'm really bad at talking to people and she knows that, but keeping in contact with people I care about is hard, especially because of my job.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would matter because we're going to meet in Germany for the Euros in a few months anyway." I'm waiting to go the Euro's because I'm performing the night it officially starts, and singing the national anthem before every match. Being scared is an understatement but I've been preparing ever since I found out.

"well, I wanna spend as much time with you as possible," she tells me. I haven't seen her in a while now so I'm excited.

"same, but not when you're in that nasty kit." She scoffs and hugs me before I push her off fake gagging, we laugh at how silly we are being.

We walk inside the Bernabéu and I put my glasses on because I really don't wanna be seen. Truth is I hate being famous, I hate the drama, the paparazzi, the other snobby celebs. I can't stand it but it is what it is and now I just have to deal with it.

"you go find our seats I'll go get us a drink," I tell her.

"Fanta please." She loves Fanta so much that's all she drinks, if it's not water or alcohol.

"okay," I go to a stand and get us drinks and as I turn around someone bumps into me and makes me drop the drinks and I fall on the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I'm running away from these fans- wait are you blind?" The guy in front of me asks, I take of my sunglasses so he knows I can see.

"no I'm not blind and what fans?" I look around and see a group of girls running towards us.

"oh my god are you two dating?" One of the girls shouts.

"them fans," he points at them.

"fuck. Follow me," I put my sunglasses on and run. The guy follows me, we go into a hidden room, one where my tio took me it was our place and I still go there when I need to think.

"I've never seen this place before," he says looking around. It's just a plain room with a few posters and minor trophies.

"well you don't exactly come here often do you," I say.

"what and you do?" He looks at me skeptically.

"how else would I know this place?" I walk up to the door and look out of it. "I think we lost them." I close the door and turn back to face him. I get a proper look at his face. He's tan, with brown fluffy hair, brown eyes, he definitely has a Portuguese accent. He is really good looking like, abnormally good looking, but, who cares. 

"why were they running away from you?" He asks. 

"why were they running away from you?" I ask back.

"I asked first," no shit Sherlock.

"yeah, but they wouldn't have chased me if you didn't call me blind," I joke. That's so random, thinking I'm blind just because I was wearing sunglasses inside. But I guess not many people were sunglasses inside so, there's that.

"I'm really sorry about that," he apologizes.

"no it's fine wouldn't be the first time," I laugh.

"that you've been called blind?" He sounds confused.

"what? No that's a new one, that I've fallen over at a game," we both laugh.

"you come to Madrid matches often?" He sits down on a bench. 

"yeah when I'm in Spain," I tell him.

"you're not Spanish?" He fixes his hair. What's boys obsession with fixing their hair? It looks the same anyway and it's not like he can see what it looks like.

"I'm Portuguese, but I live in England, I'm only visiting Spain," I ignore whatever he's doing.

"oh right," he nods his head slowly understanding.

"well, where are you from?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Portugal aswell, but I live in Spain." I nod my head and my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and see a message from Alba.


minha garota favorita

where r u girl 

muita linda amiga 

shit im coming

minha garota favorita


"I need to go," I tell him, pocketing my phone.

 "yeah same," I walk out the room and hear him shout at me, "I never got a name."

I look back at him, "Tatijana."

"pretty name for a pretty face." He smiles at me from the other end of the corridor and gives me a wink. Such a flirt.

"thanks," I smile.

"you don't wanna know mine?" He says still grinning.

"maybe if we meet again," I wink at him and walk off.

first chapter, its actually so long compared to normal dont expect it to be like this often

i had a chemistry test today i probably failed but we move im not gonna be a scientist anyway

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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