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After the match

I got MOTM, I scored two and assisted 1 so we won 3-0.

I do some interviews, most about me and Tatijana, others about the actual match. After all of that, I shower and change into some normal clothes and as I walk out, Pablo bumps into me.

"oh, Tatijana is waiting for you in the box by the way." She came. I mean she said she would but she's a celebrity, I didn't think she'd keep her word.

"thanks." I walk up to the box and see her back to me on her phone.

She turns around and looks at me, with a big smile on her face, "congratulations!"

She gets up and jumps into my arms, "you came." 

"oh shush, I told you I would, I was five minutes late." She looks so proud of herself.

"but-" She cuts me off.

"oh, I got stopped by the police, more than once, but I'm me so they let me go." How did she know what I was gonna say?

"so you saw my goal?" I ask.

"of course I did, it was a great goal, there's a reason you got MOTM," she says.

"not necessarily a hat trick, but I tried," I shrug my shoulders.

"oh shut up, two goals and an assist is great Joao." It means a lot coming from her, she pretty much manifested it.

"it's all thanks to your pep talk." I wish I could prove how thankful I am because words mean nothing.

"aww, thank you but it definitely wasn't," she shakes her head.

"it was," I tell her.

"you just needed a bit of confidence," we start walking to the car.

"I only found it because of you," she shrugs her shoulders. I know she doesn't believe me but she lets it go.

We get in the car and I start driving home, "well anyway, tell me more about your ex."

I  think about it for a while. I don't know where to start. "Umm, well we got together, I really liked her, the first year was perfect.I thought she was the one, after that she just stopped caring, like I could tell she changed. My feelings weren't the same and hers weren't either but I was too in love to care, I just assumed it was a phase and then there was a rumor of her cheating." She opens her mouth and I know what she's going to say, "yes she did, it was so obvious, her being secretive, the pictures. Her stories didn't add up but like I said, I was too love struck so I denied it. I didn't wanna believe it. The same happened again, then I understood it was over but she was so convincing I took her back again I thought she changed, news flash she didn't."

"she cheated again." She guesses correctly.

"yep," I say. "Don't worry I didn't take her back again, it was really hard to get over her but I have now and yeah that's it basically."

"well I'm really sorry," she apologizes. It wasn't her fault so I don't want her feeling bad for me.

"to be fair, I brought it upon myself, going back to her twice." I will never understand why I did that but oh well. The past is the past.

"love blinds people, it blinded me too. We all have our toxic relationships but you'll find the one." She gives me a small smile, "there 8 billion people on the planet, your bound to find one person for you."

"you had a toxic relationship aswell?" Maybe we have more in common than I thought.

"yeah, but I'm not really ready to talk about it yet," she says.

"that's fine," I tell her. I don't want her to feel pressured into telling me anything, we've still only known each other a few days.

"it's not you by the way," she reassures me. "I could barely talk about it to my family, my parents don't even know."

I let my curiosity get the best of me, I wanna know if there's something wrong with her family, "why?"

"I'm not really close with them," she shrugs her shoulders. I don't think it's necessarily a touchy subject for her, but if I didn't like someone I would want to talk about them either.

"just your aunt, uncle and cousins?" I ask parking the car.

"yeah, I feel more comfortable with them just in general." We go inside the house.

"what would you like for dinner?" She's always cooking dinner I feel like I should take her somewhere.

"let's go out," I propose.

"have somewhere in particular?" She pulls her phone out of her pocket and I think she's answering some emails.

"nothing fancy, there's a diner 10 minutes away from here. I've never been but we could try it out?" I say. It's more of a question though.

"sounds perfect!" She looks at me and smiles widely. Then she sits down and looks back at her phone. 

"like 7:00 and my treat," she nods her head, rolling her eyes at me wanting to pay. What's wrong with paying for a friendly dinner?

im so sick right now but im never too sick to post for you guys

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now