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I'm still shocked. Considering he's the one who wants to talk things out, I don't know why he wanted me to break up with him. I'm crying again and bump into Antonio (Rüdiger). "Jana what's wrong?" He's been calling me that since we met. I don't know how he thought of it but I like it.

I'm embarrassed to even talk about it, "no, don't worry about me."

"you're crying, do you want me to get your uncle?" That's the last  thing I need he's already annoyed at Joao enough, I don't want to be the reason chemistry is bad in the changing room.

I shake my head, "no, please don't, it's just silly boy issues."

"he's not treating you right?" He says but as more of a question.

"he is, it's just a small petty argument, I'm overreacting," I wipe my tears. I seriously have to stop crying over people that treat me like shit.

"I'll talk to him," he offers. It's still crazy how I forget that we are in a fake relationship. I can't even say we've broken up because we are fake dating. 

"no, no he can't know that I care." I'm being dumb I know. Of course I care and of course he knows I care but he wants to hurt me. I can't let him know he's getting to me.

"well, me and the boys from Madrid including Crisitano are hanging out, you want to join and get your mind off things?" He asks me. It would be something to get my mind of things and show Joao that I'm moving on as soon as possible. I'm petty, I know.

I shrug my shoulders, "I wouldn't wanna interrupt your bro time."

He chuckles, "oh please, we hang out everyday and we all love you, they wan't you there."

"okay, let me go get fixed up and I'll meet you all in the lobby," I tell him. I'm excited I barely get to see them but when I do, it's really fun.

"okay, I'll tell them to wait," he tells me giving me a reassuring hug.

"thank you Ant you've always been one of my favourites." He's so real and just a vibe to be with so I'm really grateful.

"what do you mean one?" He looks at me skeptically. I can't just say who my favourite. In this team, they will find out and I'll never hear the end of it. 

"I''ll never say who my favourite is but it might be you," I tease him and head to my room. I go to the bathroom. I look like a mess but I can do something with myself. I redo my hair and make-up to look presentable when Alba walks in.

"are you okay?" She asks. I am slightly annoyed at her right now. She didn't check up on me after I left and I know I'm being petty and I'll get over it but I have the right to be mad.

"no but I'm going out with the Madrid team so they'll take my mind off it," I tell her walking around the room to get what I need.

"have fun," she says genuinely. She hugs me, fixes up my hair a little and then waves me off.

I walk out and go to the lobby, to see a few of the players just standing arounnd. "Tati," Luka hugs me, "how are you?"

"great, you?" I ask back. Luka has always just been the kind peacemaker person. That's probably why he's a natural leader.

"I'm good," he nods his head.

"oi don't hog her," I hear a brum accent shouting. He runs and yanks me into a hug which I return.

"stop, I feel special," considering the fact I only know them because of my tio and I barely see them, they are literally my second family and I feel really appreciated when I'm here.

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now