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Liked by joaofelix79, aurelientchm and 6,298,520 others

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Liked by joaofelix79, aurelientchm and 6,298,520 others

tatijana.ave: went to a match with my culé bestie 🤮 left falling in love with a sexy stranger❤️ joaofelix79, albanaire


joaofelix79: i knew you wanted me

     tatijana.ave: woah calm down there

pedri: i see why he likes you

     albanaire: we need to get them together

          joaofelix79: no

               tatijana.ave: ouch

                    joaofelix79: not like that you're perfect

georginagio: what's this about

     albanaire: she likes him

          tatijana.ave: stop no I don't

username80: he called her perfect!!!

username27: you're album is so good

     tatijana.ave: thank you so much



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might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now