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Tatijana's POV

I go to the gym, put my headphones on, and start exercising. After about an hour, I'm really uncomfortable. Men are staring at me, but I haven't finished my workout so I just go for a run. I see some fans, take a few pictures, and get home. No one is there, so I have a shower, get changed, and put Joao's breakfast in the microwave before eating it. I can't lie, I didn't have high expectations, but it was delicious, I was shocked, and I decided to post it.



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tatijana.ave: melhor café da manhã feito pelo mozão joaofelix79

(best breakfast made by bae)


joaofelix79: anything for my girl eu te amo

     tatijana.ave: eu também te amo

cristiano: make sure he keeps treating you well

judebellingham: remember what i said

     tatijana.ave: don't worry you won't let me forget

          albanaire: your friendship is better than ours

              tatijana.ave: oh shush it's not

                      judebellingham: wow

username34: not cristiano playing the father figure

      username92: 🙄🙄

After I post that, I sit on the couch and watch TV.

 2 hours later

Joao comes in all sweaty and out of breathe.

"how was training?" I ask. I won't lie, I don't really care but I ask out of courtesy.

"tiring, but y'know I'm used to it." He shrugs his shoulders. I know I've seen him a lot but Joao is really good looking, I've never properly noticed but his hair, his eyes, his veins. He's perfect.

I notice myself staring and snap myself out of it, "yeah, but I'd much rather train than be at home all day, by myself."

"how was the gym?" He asks, I wish he didn't.

"I don't know, there were a lot of pedophiles, so I went for a run instead," I say.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that, you don't deserve it," he tells me.

"no, it's normal," I shrug. It doesn't affect me the same way it did. "But on a lighter note, your breakfast was really nice."

He looks relieved. I don't know if it's because I ate it or because he didn't know how it would turn out, but oh well, "really? Thank you."

I get up of the couch. "Do you have anything you need to do?"

"no, why?" I ask.

"well, we can go shopping," he suggests.

"for what?" Him wanting to go shopping, not believable.

"I believe I promised a girl a dress, and an expensive one at that." He winks at me and I turn red.

"oh my god, you really don't need to it's fine." I completely forgot about that.

"I don't break my promises Tati. Let me go have a shower and we're getting you the dress you deserve." He goes upstairs.

30 minutes later

We get in his car and he starts driving off.

"we spent so much time together yesterday and I still feel like I know nothing about you," he starts.

"ask away," I say.

"so, what hobbies do you have?" He asks.

I think about it for a while before realizing my life is quite boring, "none really. With balancing singing and occasionally modelling, I never really have time to do things for myself, but I like watching football and formula one, I guess.

"do you ever get time off?" He keeps his eyes on the road.

"yeah obviously, it's no rush to produce music but obviously in the music industry there are so many up and coming artists, that you can become irrelevant quickly, so I understand Camila's worry, but I'm not worried about becoming irrelevant. In the most humble way possible, I'm too successful to become irrelevant. If I don't make music in two months, as long as it's good, it normally makes it top 3 in the charts and even if I become irrelevant, I'll feel better about myself." I ramble on before stopping myself.

"what do you mean by that?" He seems to like hearing me ramble, I guess.

"I'm not comfortable. I'm not as confident as I used to be, I'm too busy trying to be perfect for everyone that I'm not myself anymore. I don't even know myself. Ever since I became famous, I don't know what I'm doing with my life, I let myself get pushed around and I can't stand up for myself and I hate myself for it, but I just don't know what to do and I'm here waffling to you, knowing you couldn't care less,"

"of course I care, your my friend and as a friend, it's my job to let you know that no one is perfect, so stop trying to be. You'll slip up eventually, and all this facade will be for nothing. Now that you're not making music, it's the best time to focus on yourself and find out who you are." He puts his hand on my thigh before processing what he did and quickly removing it. I kinda hoped he'd keep it there, it calmed me down a little.

"you're right. You always have the right things to say." Maybe I just have to stop being so pessimistic and look at the bright side of this life.

"what can I say, I've been in your position before and I'm wise like that," he gives me a small smile.

"I'm sorry you went through that," I say. I feel bad for him, he seems like he has everything figured out but maybe he doesn't.

"well, no one should ever feel like this, and I'll help you find out who you are." I'm glad I met Joao, even if it's not in the way I would've hoped, he's a nice friend to have.

"thanks, but for now I just wanna be distracted." I'm content, I'm getting out the house and I don't have any music to stress about.

"dress shopping here we come," he shouts.

I laugh at his reaction, "you're more excited than I am."

i'm so done with school, I had a spanish speaking test today it went bad i dont want to get my grade back

i feel like this is a long chapter compared to normal but whatever

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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