vinte e seis pt.2

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Liked by magui_corceiro, antogriezmann and  4,208,719 others

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Liked by magui_corceiro, antogriezmann and  4,208,719 others Tatijana Aveiro has been spotted alone in a shopping mall in Saudi Arabia after not being seen in a few weeks. Does that mean Joao and Tatijana broke up after he was seen kissing his ex Magui Corceiro?


magui_corceiro: i didn't know this much drama would happen over a stupid kiss

     antogriezmann: i mean you kissed a non-single celebrity what did you think would happen

tatijana.ave: focus on some one else for once

      username38: does it mean it's true

          username85: look at her latest post

username74: antoine defending tatijana is so kind

      username19: everyone should be defending her i feel so bad she doesn't deserve this

            username42: she does she's such a bitch

                      username01: if anything she's one of the nicest celebrities ever


Liked by albanaire, jpcancelo and 8,203,617 others

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Liked by albanaire, jpcancelo and 8,203,617 others

tatijana.ave: I'm in Saudi because I want to be. People have to stop making things out of nothing. If it hasn't come from me or Joao don't assume things. We are both fine and are yet to talk about what has happened. I shouldn't have to explain my choices just because you are too sad to focus on yourself. Please respect that and our privacy just because you have nothing better to talk about. 


albanaire: pop off bestie

     tatijana.ave: love you

username43: Joao put the same spell on her that Magui put on him

      username02: real being in love with a cheater is embarrasing

              pedri: she literally said they havent talked about it yet get a grip

username36: i support you through whatever happens

     tatijana.ave: thank you so much i appreciate you

username68: i'm still confused on why Saudi

      username15: 🙄🙄 take a guess her last name is Aveiro

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now