vinte e seis

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The next day

I wake up, have a shower, do some light make-up, and get ready for the day ahead. I still don't feel or look great but the road to recovery has to start somewhere.

I walk into the kitchen and see everyone in there already, "morning Tati, did you sleep well?" Gio asks.

Eva, Alana and Mateo all turn around and look at me in shock. "PRIMA  VOCÊ ESTÁ DE VOLTA!" Mateo screams making me giggle. They all get out of their chair and hug me.

(you are back)

"surprise." I'm shocked. I thought they knew I was here. I mean, I didn't see them yesterday because I went to bed almost immediately but I just assumed they got told.

"why do you look sick?" Alana asks.

Eva pushes her, "you can't say that, it's mean." I laugh, "you look very pretty."

"obrigada, como vai?" She smiles at me

(thank you, how are you)

"boa, I missed you," she walks back to her chair and carries on eating her breakfast.


Cristiano gives me a hug, "I'm sorry for them, they've been asking about you for so long."

I giggle, "it's okay, and I slept well tia."

"are you hungry? I'm making pancakes," she asks.

"I can never say no to your pancakes," she gives me a plate of pancakes and I sit down next Junior. "bom dia to you too Cris."

(good morning)

He looks at me apologetically, "sorry."

"it's fine, I'm only joking," I mess up his hair.

Alana sits on my lap, "desculpe Tati, I didn't mean it."


"aww, don't worry, I don't mind," I tell her.

"can we play mermaids later?" She asks. It's her favourite game, everytime I visit we play it almost everyday.

"Alana, she just arrived let her rest," Gio says.

"oh no don't worry, it's okay I need to take my mind of things," I turn my attention back to Alana, "of course I will."

She claps her hands excitedly, "yay, see Cris. Tatijana likes playing mermaids with me."

"Tatijana is a girl," he says.

"what's that supposed to mean?" I act offended.

"you don't have to play football and improve, you were born with natural singing abilities you have time to play silly pool games." I think there was a compliment in there somewhere.

"okay Junior calm down, sobrinha you don't mind look after the kids with me?" Gio asks.

"of course not I want to spend time with them," I say.

"do you have Kinder Eggs prima?" Mateo asks. I'm convinced he would marry them if he could.

"no, but we can go and buy some later if you want." I get up and wash my plate.

"YESS!" He screams.

"only if you are good though okay?" He nods his head aggressively.

"fine." He puts his plate in the sink for me to wash.

My phone starts ringing on the table behind me but I don't know who it is. Cris picks it up and mouths to me 'it's Joao.'

I roll my eyes, this is the fifth time since I arrived here that he's called. He's also left multiple messages and I've been ignoring all of them. "Just turn it off." He nods his head and puts my phone back on the table.

A few hours later

I'm currently playing mermaids with Alana and Eva. I'm feeling the best I have in a while and I know it seems like I'm running away from my problems but I'm not. This is me taking things step by step and getting over one problem at a time. 

"okay, I think it's time to go inside now," I say out of breathe, as fun as this was I need a break.

"do we have to," Eva whines.

"I'm going to get you Kinder Eggs and presents," suddenly they run out of the pool.

"hurry up we need to go." Alana tries dragging me out.

I have a shower and me, Gio, Alana, Eva and Mateo go to the shopping centre. I haven't really seen Junior all day apart from when he looked kinda mad and out of it this morning. I tried talking to him about it but he didn't seem interested so I left it at that. I just hope he's feeling okay.

I buy them a lot of Kinder Eggs but on top of that I buy the girls Barbie toys and loads of clothes and I buy Mateo cars, a dinosaur and a new football. I love spending money on them but they like too many thing.

"obrigada," they all say in unison. I love making them happy so I don't car if £4,219 have left my bank account.

(thank you)

"de nada," I give them all a big smile as we drive home.

(you're welcome)

i haven't slept in 48 hours dont ask why but im so tired i actually need to fix my sleep schedule pray for me guys

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now