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Tatijana's POV

Me and Alba knock on the Madrid changing room door. "CRAZY FANS HAVE SNUCK IN!" I hear Eduardo scream from inside. I roll my eyes and walk in.

"yeah, all I want is an autograph," I say sarcastically.

"you made it," Antonio says giving me a hug.

"and you brought a friend," Vini points at Alba.

"this is Alba, she's a Culé so it's okay if you kick her out." I joke.

"eww she should definitely leave," Jude comes and does a little handshake with me.

"how are you getting on?" I ask him. I haven't seen him since he moved to Madrid.

"good, everyone is easy to get along with," he says.

"told you." Everyone thinks Vini got him here but really I did.

"what brings you here?" He asks me.

"to watch the greatest team in the world, obviously," I tell him.

"okay, stop hogging her," Aurélien says grabbing me away from Jude.

"you all played great," I congratulate them. 

"easy when we are versing Barcelona." Éder jokes, even though he's not lying.

"you never told us you were dating one of their players," Brahim says. Where'd he get that from?

"oh my god, I'm not. I met him 5 minutes before the match I don't know why he did that," I explain.

"okay good I thought you turned your back on us for a second," Antonio sighs.

"never," I shake my head and just then Carlo walks in.

"esa es mi chica favorita?" he says with a big smile on his face.

"Carlo te extrañé!" I give him big hug. I haven't seen him for so long, it's nice. People may think he's really mean and strict but he's so nice and funny.

"cómo está tu tío?" He asks.

"muy bien como esta la familia?" I respond.

"bueno bueno," I check my phone and look at the time.

"Bueno, tengo que irme pero volveré pronto chicos." We all say our goodbyes and me and Alba leave. I'm driving home and Alba won't stop pestering me with questions.

"is he tall?"

"taller than me."

"is he a good winker?"

"i guess."

"did you hold eye contact?"

"i guess."

"did you touch him?"

"when he pushed me over?"

"do you-"

I cut her off, "Alba please let me breathe, he's not all that just a nice normal guy."

"okay, but did you not see his celebration," She squeals. It's almost as if he bumped into her not me. 

"it was probably just a joke Alba, I'm never gonna see him again. He's gonna go back to Barcelona, the press will go down and it will be like nothing happened." I park my car and we go inside and sit on the couch.

"party pooper," she sticks her tongue out at me. I have a shower and walk back downstairs.

"what's this about?" She asks me. I don't really know what she's on about.

"what?" She shows me a picture of me and Joao talking.

"we were talking," I tell her. That's what was in the picture that's what happened.

"why does it say your dating?" How am I supposed to know?

"I didn't even know the guy, you know that," I say sitting down next to her.

"it looks like you two have chemistry though," she says. I don't know what more she wants me to say.

"he's easy to talk to I guess, conversation just flew nothing more." I shake my head and open my phone to see he followed me on Instagram. I follow him back.





 hey whats up


just wanted to apologize for pushing you again


 dont worry about it honestly


and for my celebration


 thats also fine it was funny


okay great i didn't want to make you uncomfortable


 i wasn't i kinda liked it


okay phew


 im really sorry ive got to go 


no its fine see ya



Alba snatches my phone off me, "I'd be a bad friend if I didn't ship you guys."

I don't agree with that, "please don't." I don't want her shipping me with some random footballer.

"you'd be perfect for each other," she says.

"what do you want for dinner?" I'm moving away from this, there's no way I'm spending my time talking about Joao.

"you can't just change the subject," she crosses her arms looking serious. 

I roll my eyes, "watch me."

"Mcdonalds," she says. I don't know why, I don't know what anyone sees in Mcdonalds it's so bad.

"you know I can't eat at Mcdonalds," I tell her shaking my head.

"okay yeah, I'm sorry I forgot," she looks at me apologetically.

"it's alright. I'll order it for you and I'll get something else," I tell her giving her my phone to order what she wants. 

"okay thank you so much," she kisses my cheek as I get up to get a glass of water.

"of course," I say.

my dad came back from like his seventh holiday but he brought me so many presents so i dont mind

arsenal are giving me a fucking heart attack but real madrid has won the league so YESSSS

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now