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"well what about you, what are your hobbies?" I ask. He knows alot about me and I know nothing about him.

"gaming. That's it really." And I thought there was more to him than meets the eye.

"and I thought I was boring." This makes him laugh.

"well, I can't really go out without being harassed by Atletico fans so." He shrugs his shoulders, way to ruin the mood. I feel bad now.

I look around us and apart from the small amount of paparazzi hiding, which they are really bad at by the way, there's no Atletico fans, "you're not being harassed now."

"maybe you're my knight in shining armour," we laugh.

"honoured to be of assistance." I bow my head down as a joke.

"what shop first?" He must've seen paparazzi because he holds my hand. It's really awkward because we are good friends and hang out as friends, then when we bring attention to others, we suddenly have to act like a couple.

"Zara." I run into the shop. I'm in love with Zara, it's my pride and joy.

We look around a lot of shops, for a couple of hours and nothing catches my eye, until I see a perfect dress. It's royal blue and it's literally calling to me, it's mine.

"this is the one," I show him, proud of what I picked out.

"I swear, I've seen this dress ten times, in other shops." I'm so offended, he's such a hater. How dare he say my dress is like the other ones.

"no." I shake my head in disappointment. "This is made of silk and it's more expensive. I'm just using you for your money anyway."

He puts his hand on his heart, offended "wow."

"I'm joking," I tell him admiring my beauty.

"well let me buy it then," he's funny if he thinks he's buying this dress, on his salary.

"sure." We walk over to the till.

"7,250 euros, and I love you guys, you are so cute," the worker says. I definitely got my love for shopping from Gio, we are literally the same when it comes to buying things. If we like it, we buy it, we don't care about the price.

"thanks so much," Joao gives her a genuine smile.

"Joao." I tap his shoulder, " look." I point behind him he turns around and I tap my phone against the reader.

He turns back around "what, Tati why would you do that?"

I grab the bag, thank the lady and we walk out the shop, "because I'll feel bad if you pay."

"How do you think I feel then? I'm living in your house for free. I ruin your expensive dress. I promise to buy you a new one and we leave the store with the same amount of money in my account," he's right. I'm being so selfish.

"it's fine, the dress wasn't that expensive." I shake my head. It really wasn't.

"I'll pay next time," he says.

I scoff, "I'm smarter than I look, trust me you won't."

We get in the car, "tomorrow is my match," he tells me. Okay?

"so you want me to come?" I ask him. He nods his head, "I don't have a jersey."

"I'll give one to you," he offers. How do I say no politely?

I shake my head, "you don't have to."

He gives me a 'really' look, "you just don't want to be wearing a Barcelona shirt right."

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now