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The next day

Joao's POV

I walk off the training pitch after another shitty session. It's like I've never played football before in my life and it's all because she won't even look at me. I thought when we talked yesterday, we had a chance but oh I was so wrong. I can't even talk to anyone about it because I know I'm in the wrong.

Cristiano walks up to me, "Joao we need to talk." I know exactly what this is going to be about especially since he's the captain.

I sigh, "alright."

We get up and go for a walk, "our first match is in two days and your totally out of it," he tells me giving me a confused look. 

I've never played this badly before and the whole team knows, I don't want be the reason Portugal don't win. "I need advice."

"will it make you play better?" He asks, I know how Cristiano is about getting into people's personal lives since he doesn't want to make it seem like he has favourites but I decide to tell him anyway.

"it's a girl," he gives me a 'really' look.

"Joao," I can hear the disappointment in his voice and moments like this make me think why I kissed Magui.

"I know, I know but I can't help it, her name is Tatijana, she's Portuguese, a singer you must of heard of her." Of course he has we are all any media talk about, and she's famous as fuck.

"yes, I know Tatijana," he said that like it was obvious which is fair.

"like personally?" I ask.

"yes," I want to ask how but I can't bring myself to talk about her more than I need to.

"so I fucked up I cheated," I start. 

"yeah I saw that." I don't know why I assume that he won't know, everyone knows. When I walk in the streets, I get given dirty looks, even in training, I know the boys are talking about me but they won't ask me about it.

"and I wanted to talk to her on Thursday but it broke out into an argument and she broke up with me, technically I told her to but I didn't mean it and I need to talk to her, even if we don't get back together. I need to be civil with her and that's the only thing I can focus on."

"talk to her then." That's the worst advice I've ever been given.

"but I don't know what to say," I tell him.

"it's not just what you say, it's what she says aswell, communication is key but listening is just as important, just tell her how you feel. Don't guilt trip her, and make sure you tell her you know you're in the wrong, and listen to what she has to say. Maybe she'll open up to you, even if you don't get back together because y'know it will be hard for her to forgive you I hope you can be friends again."

I suddenly feel confident in getting her back ."Thanks Cristiano I really needed that."

"I just hope you can get your head in the game," he gets up and give me a smile.

I nod my head, "I will, I promise."

We both go our separate ways. I have a shower and decide to see if Hugo wants to go with me to have dinner tonight. I think it's really nice for my family to come and support me, but I would rather they see me play good. I want to introduce them to Tatijana but that' not realistic right now. Speaking of her, I see Tatijana. We make eye contact and I know she's about to run off.

"Tati wait-" I try to stop her. I have no clue what I expected to happen. There' no way I can use Critiano's advice if I can't get her to talk to me.

She rolls her eyes and walks off.

Tatijana's POV

 I do this because I'm not letting myself get hurt again. He tells me all these lies, that he loves me, he'll never hurt me, I'm special, I'm the only girl in the world but I'm not. Men are the worst and they just ruin people's lives and I'm not doing it again, letting them take advantage of me just for their own benefit.

I collect Cris from his room and bring him to mine. "So now please put the phone down and help me, you've been on it this whole time."

He finally decides to put it down, "what do you need help with?"

"nice to know you've been listening to me," I roll my eyes. "I don't know who's jersey to wear."

"who are the options?" He could atleast try to act like he cares.

I pull out the jerseys out of my suitcase, "either Jude, Bukayo or Declan."

"where Jude's, I'll wear Bukayo's and I'll make Ruben come and wear Declan's." I knew he was good for some thing.

"thank you, now care to explain who has you on that phone 24/7?" I know he's messaging someone I just want to know who.

"no one," he lies straight to my face.

I scoff, so much for my favourite primo, "fine then, go ask Ruben please and give him that." I hand him Declan's jersey and kick him out my room.

Joao's POV

After coming out of Hugo's room. I see Cristiano again, he's with Gio and Jr, who I swear both give me a dirty look but I'm probably imagining thing because I've never really talked to them before.

"how did it go?" He asks.

 "she won't even glance at me," I admit.

"I mean you did cheat and tell her to break up with you," he tries to lighten the mood which doesn't help.

It just stresses me out more, "I know, I know, I have no clue what to do."

"don't give her a chance to walk away," he says like its the most obvious thing in the world, he clearly has his experience with girls, but I guess he is Cristiano Ronaldo.

"how?" I ask, I wish I could do that.

"I don't know I'm sure you'll find a way," he tells me. So helpful,

"thanks a lot for the help," I say sarcastically.

"hey I've given you enough advice for you to do stuff with." I know he's just trying to help and I'm grateful for it I just feel bad for myself at this point.

"yeah I know, thanks Cristiano," I give him a sad smile before leaving him alone and going to hand out with Bernado, Joao and Ruben.

don't worry they will make up soon its been too long without each other

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now