trinta e seis

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Me and Gio spend the whole day eating, shopping and just enjoying each others company. I love Gio so much I honestly don't know where I would be without her support, she treats me like one of her own and that's why I envy her. I wish I could treat everyone the way she treats people.

We eventually go back to the hotel, to get ready for Spain v Croatia. "I'm wearing Pedri's jersey you can have Modric's." It's really weird calling players by their kit name because I know most of them by their first name but if I said Luka I know Gio wouldn't have a clue who I'm on about.

I throw his shirt at her, "thank you."

"don't worry, I have a whole suitcase for jerseys i have to support my fellow Madrid and Arsenal players." We change into our jerseys and head to the game. I don't know who to support I won't lie I really want Pedri to do well but I love Luka to bits and I will back him until he retires.

The game starts of slow and it looks like it's going to be a hard match, no one really gets any shots and its kind of boring, until Morata scores, even though I'm happy for Spain, I don't celebrate because like I said I will back Luka forever. And then Ruiz scores, I feel like this was the moment I actually don't like the Spanish national team which sounds bad but it's true. However about 15 minutes later Dani scores and I love him so much. Gio gives me a confused look because I'm being so bipolar, but I can cheer for who I want. The first half ends, and even though it's not looking good I still have faith Croatia can pull it back. It starts of with both sides getting shots. It's a really even game and then Croatia get a penalty which Petkovic misses but they do score from it. But it gets disallowed which actually pisses me off.

The game ends 3-0 and I run to the pitch to see Pedri, "wearing my jersey hey, someone's moving on quick," he jokes.

"haha very funny, you played well congrats for the win," I tell him. Even though I wanted Croatia to win I'm not salty about it because they are all gonna get knocked out anyway when Portugal win.

"thank you, I appreciate the support." Just then Dani comes up to us.

"hello Tati," he gives me a big smile.

"well done you played amazing," I say happy for the Spaniards in front of me, but the main person I want to see is Luka.

"thanks and don't worry he's waiting inside for you," Dani reads my mind.

"thank you I'll see you back at the hotel," I run off to find Luka and like Dani says he's standing there waiting for me.

"Luka I'm so sorry I wanted you guys to win so bad," I tell him upset.

"it's okay, you win some, you lose some we can still make it out the group stage we aren't gone yet," he says like a real captain. "You're not wearing my jersey?"

"I promised Pedri I would wear his but I made Gio come so she could wear yours." I feel so bad  but that's the last time I represent Spain.

Gio runs up to us out of breathe, "you keep disappearing."

"oh I'm sorry." I look at the time and realize me and Jr are going to watch Italy v Albania so me and Gio say bye to Luka, rush back to  the hotel and when I get to my room I see Cris standing outside.

"took your time huh?" He jokes and I punch him lightly. I go inside grab my Jorginho jersey, and throw my Barella one at Jr. I don't know why he likes Italy so much but hey if it means I have company at the match I don't mind. I have a whole suitcase full of jerseys, I love wearing them and I love having them. 

We drive over to the stadium and we made it just in time for kick off, so thats a plus. On the other hand Albania score almost immediately so my 2-0 prediction is already out the window. Jr already looks like he's about to cry but I know Italy can do better. Like I said Italy score two goals about 10-15 minutes later. The rest of the match is slow and no one else scores, but Italy won so who cares. I see Cris go talk to Chiesa so I go up to J.

"TT is that you?" Jorginho asks me giving me a light hug since he knows he's sweaty.

"yep and repping you team loud and proud." I turn around so he can see his name on my jersey. "Now sign it please."

I give him the pen like a fan and let him sign my jersey as if I don't have his phone number. "There you go."

"well done on the win," I congratulate him.

"yeah but we should've done better." He's always looking for perfection and he's never happy with the good things he's already done.

"well then atleast you have time to do better," I reassure him before Cris comes up to us.

"hello," he says to Jorginho before facing me, "I'm hungry."

"fine okay, sorry J but we have to go," I say apologetically.

"it's okay stay safe and have fun." We walk our separate ways and me and Cris go to this restaurant to have dinner.

yesterday was hectic and long so sorry for posting late

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope your living you're best life cause im not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now