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The next day

I wake up by a call from Camila. "It's 7:00 Cam, what do you want?" I ask annoyed, I'm losing major beauty sleep.

"meeting. My office. 8:30. Don't be late, we have visitors." She's such a bitch sometimes, there's no way she woke me up and that's what she says.

"who?" I ask. Telling me that is the least she can do.

"not important, see you soon," she hangs up. Wow so helpful. I get up and get ready, it's 8:25 by the time I leave the house,  Alba is still asleep and I know I'm gonna be late but who cares.

I walk in and see Joao, who I assume is his manager and Camila. Weird. She looks at her watch. "Your late." 

I roll my eyes, "yeah well who gives a girl an hour and a half to get ready."

"my bad," she puts her hands up in defeat.

"hey guys whats up?" I say confused.

"hi Tatijana, I'm Andre, Joao's manager." He introduces himself and I shake his hand before sitting down between Joao and Camila.

"guys, what's going on?" Joao asks.

"well, I know that you're taking a little break from music now that you've released your album," I nod my head in agreement still confused on what that has to do with anything.

"you're a singer?" Joao asks. No I'm a bartender, what is wrong with him?

"yep and a pretty successful one aswell," I shrug my shoulders.

"we don't want you to become irrelevant," Camila tells me. Okay then, she didn't even sugar coat it.

"ouch, it's not the first time I've taken a break," I defend myself.

"of course not but Joao is getting bad press ever since he left Atletico," Andre says. Who even is this guy?

"where is this going?" Joao reads my mind because I'm functioning on little to no sleep.

"you guys are gonna start fake dating," good thing I'm not drinking water because what the fuck just left this guys mouth.

"woah, I'm not agreeing to this," I say. No way in hell, I'm not getting into a relationship yet alone a fake one.

"yeah, I mean you seem like a nice girl but I don't want to fake date you," Joao says. I think that's nice.

"it's not up to you guys, it's happening and it's happening now." Joao's manager is really starting to annoy me.

"what does that mean?" I ask. I need full understanding.

"Joao is moving in with you," Camila says.

"but I live in Madrid and he lives in Barcelona," I point out.

"I know you have a house in Barcelona." No way, I hate her. I mean not really but I've literally never been there so how does she know about it.

"of course you do, what so now I have to move to Barcelona?" I ask her.

"yes." I really want to cry. Today out of all days aswell, this has completely ruined my mood.

"what about Alba?" She better say I can stay with her or all hell will break loose.

"she can stay with you guys aswell." That's a plus then I guess.

"what about how yesterday? We were on social media saying we just me," Joao says.

"the media think that you were joking and you are dating," Andre tells us.

"you don't think this is a bad idea?" He asks both of them.

"it's not forever just until you get out of this bad press and until she starts music again," Andre says.

"what if I start music tomorrow, will you find someone else instead of me?" I ask genuinely.

"Tatijana," Camila says sternly. Can't blame me.

"sorry for trying," I shrug my shoulders.

"fine I'll do it if you will," Joao looks at me.

"don't sound to mad after that stunt you pulled when you scored," Andre says. I swear I'm gonna slap him.

"it could be worse, so I guess I'll do it," it's not like we have a choice, so I just agree.

"but guys please please don't fall for each other." That's the least of my worries, I'm too busy to fall in love.

"we won't, although it will be hard to resist my charms," he winks at me. This is the same attitude that put us in this mess.

"okay hold your horses," I put my hands in front of him making him stop.

"and you can't tell anyone about this," Andre says.

I get up, "I wont I don't want anyone to know anyway this is embarrassing," as much as I don't wanna be a bitch, this is the worst thing that has happened to me recently and I just wish it wasn't me.

"I'm sorry Tati but there's nothing more I can do about it," I sigh and walk to the car park. I just think about the whole situation. It could be worse right? Joao could be some snobby celebrity but he's seems nice so that's good. 

Joao comes up behind me. "Are you alright?" 

"as much as I hate the thought of this you seem like a good person so I'm willing to be mature about this," I tell him.

"I was thinking the same there's no reason why we can't be friends and civil." Thank god he's making this easy.

"I'll send you the address and here are the keys because you'd probably get there first," I hand him the keys. 

"okay, I'll meet you there then," he gives me a hug. 

"yeah see you soon," he turns around but turns back to me.

"oh and I'm definitely telling Pedri about this," he's transparent that's another plus.

"don't worry I was definitely telling Alba about it but they are the only ones that can know," I tell him

"yeah," he nods his head in agreement.

"might aswell stop dming then," I give him my phone as he puts his number in.

"should we have fake names in it?" He asks.

"probably." I set his contact to 'meu amor' and he saves mine as 'meu único'.

"see you soon then." We hug again and I get in the car. I call Alba while driving.

"start packing your bags," I tell her.


"we are going to Barcelona."


"I'll tell you everything when just get home but just pack."

"at my house?" So many questions.

"no, mine. Go pack"

"there's no way you leave the house out of nowhere, I don't know where you've gone and you tell me to just pack my things." I knew she wouldn't just let this go.

"I was with Camila now please just pack, I promise I'll tell you everything," I really need her to just listen to me.

"fine." Finally. I hang up the phone and drive back home.

im probably getting some of my tests back tomorrow wish me luck🤞🤞

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now