trinta e dois pt.2

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Liked by tatijana.ave, georginagio and 4,281,720 others

albanaire: BEST FRIEND APPRECIATION POST!!! I love you so much Tatijana. You've been my favourite person on this whole world since we were 13. I wanted to post this for you to say I'm so proud of you. I've been there from the beginning and I've loved seeing you grow into the person you are now. Remember you don't need no man to make you feel worthy, or good enough, you're a beautiful independent bitch. Go and smash it out there tonight perform like it's the last time. My girl ❤️❤️.


tatijana.ave: im crying reading this, i love you thank you so much

      siramartinezc: get yourself a best friend that will do this for you for no reason

pedri: good luck tonight tati i'll be watching all your mistakes

      tatijana.ave: thanks i think

              albanaire: you best be joking pedri

                        pedri: woah i am breathe

toniruediger: love this

      tatijana.ave: same that's why she's my best friend 

username39: so Tati and Joao are officially over

     username02: a whole appreciation post and that's the only thing you took from it

quick media chapter for you guys

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now