trinta e cinco

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The next day

I wake up and Alba again is nowhere to be seen. I check the time, it's about 8:30. I would go to my tio's room but I already know they are all asleep and Cristiano has training at 9:30. I could just lie in and be lazy until later but I decide to go for a run because I feel fat. Everyone I know tells me I'm not and I know I'm not, whenever I look in the mirror I'm met with the natural big boobs, skinny waist, and big bum everyone wants. That doesn't mean I can't feel fat though. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and put on a sports bra and shorts, I put on my headphones, grab my phone and water, then go for a run. It's really refreshing the light breeze and cars driving past.

The thing I like about going to other countries is even though I have fans there, I'm not as 'famous' so I feel free even if it's just for a little while. I arrive outside the hotel when a dog runs up to me, it's a cute little sausage dog and I kneel down to pet it. He jumps up at me and licks my face making me giggle. 

I look around to see who the owner of the dog was and see Joao running up to me. "Bad dog, I'm sorry Tatijana." I'm shocked I won't lie he never told me he had a dog I mean where was he keeping it this whole time.

"I didn't know you had a dog," I look up at him still petting the dog who seems to love me.

"it never got brought up," he shrugs his shoulders as I get up from the floor.

"what's its name?" I ask. I don't know why I'm still talking to him. Actually I do know, it's because I miss him. As much as I try to avoid talking to him about serious issues, I miss our small talks and just spending time together, so I guess as long as he doesn't want to talk about us I can talk to him.

"he's called Floki," he tells me. That's such a cute name and it suites the guy so much I won't lie.

That's when realization hits me, "like the Vikings character." I watched the show too many times to count, I'm addicted.

Joao smiles so widely, "yes! That's exactly it. I didn't know you've watched it before."

"well we learn something new each day," and our light conversation stops immediately, it's just an awkward silence and us just staring at each other "well, I should go."

"no, please lets talk." Those are the words I was dreading to hear because I'm just not ready for it.

"don't you have training?" I remind him so he can leave me alone. I look around for someone who can save me and I see Gio but she's not facing me and she's talking to Cristiano.

"you're more important." He stares at me intensely which just makes me want to cry even more.

Thankfully God listened to my begging because Gio shouts at me, "Tati please come over."

"thank god," I mumble. "bye Joao."

I run over to her, "I thought you would want help getting out of there," she gives me a sad smile.

"thank you so much." I run my hand through my hair. I don't know what would've happened if she didn't save me.

"don't let anyone pressure you into talking to him if you're not ready," she reassures me. I'm so grateful for her.

"I love you," I give her a much needed hug.

"what are your plans?" She asks me moving on from our past subject. 

"I was gonna go to watch Spain play later you wanna join me?" I really want company today. I just don't feel like staying by myself and I know all the players have training. Not to mention I haven't seen Alba for a while.

"of course I will, but before that lets have a tia- sobrinha day Cristiano has training and he gave me his card." My  smile widens, the only thing I love more than shopping is shopping with Cristiano's money.

I nod my head so hard my neck hurts, "yes, I need this."

"go shower and meet in my room in an hour," she tells me walking off before I respond.

I go to my room, still no sight of Alba. I have a shower change into a shirt and some cargos, do some light makeup, before heading to Gio's room. I knock and I'm greeted with Mateo. 

"PRIMA! YOU DID SO WELL YESTERDAY," I laugh and pick him up letting myself in, "I'm going to tell all my friends at school about you."

"your friends huh?" He nods his head, "what do you do with them?"

"we eat lots of sweets," he says with a mischievous grin.

Just then Gio walks in ,"Mateo você está causando problemas?"

(Mateo are you causing problems?)

"Não, estávamos conversando sobre meus amigos" he argues back

(No, we were talking about my friends)

"Okay, well me and prima are going out so I'll see you later okay. Junior make sure you look after them properly your dad will be back in a couple of hours but call me if you need anything, okay?" She asks Cris.

He nods his head not going off his phone, "see you later."

"adolescentes hoje em dia" she says as we walk into the corridor making me laugh.

(teenagers these days)

"what first then?" I ask

"I haven't had breakfast and I'm starving." She grins at me.

"you read my mind." I smile back at her.

spain play croatia today, im not nervous you are

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now