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I go to my room to start packing my bags when Alba walks in leaning on my door frame. "Care to explain why we are moving to Barcelona?" She says annoyed.

"we are living with Joao, in my house, in Barcelona," I sigh folding some clothes and shoving them into my suitcase.

"wait what, why?" She asks giving me a confused look.

"me and Joao are dating," I tell her.

"huh?" Her eyes widen.

"fake dating," I clarify.

"why?" She looks at me waiting for an explanation.

"he's getting bad press after leaving Atletico and I need to stay relevant while not making music." Technically, we brought this upon ourselves acting how we did yesterday, but I would've never thought this would be the outcome.

"oh I'm sorry," she gives me an empathetic look but she didn't do anything.

"it's fine. We agreed to be civil and since you're staying with us it will be fine," I explain. How bad can this possibly be?

"need help?" She offers, walking towards my bags.

"no I'm almost finished, umm but please put your suitcases in the car," I tell her.

"you have more than one car," she says. And she's not lying I probably should've clarified.

"it's fine, I'll put them in the garage and lock the gates, we'll take the Bentley." I say zipping up my suitcase.

"which one?" She asks.

"the blue one," I tell her.

"which one?" She ask again.

"okay, no, because I sound conceited now. The light blue convertible and don't say what one." She nods her head. "The keys are in the draw next to the bed," I point. She opens it and takes my keys out.

"see you in the car." We put all the suitcases in the car and drive to Barcelona. It's a long drive but we make it work. When we arrive, I open the door and we walk in.

"I love it here!" She spins around smiling.

I giggle, "you love all of my houses."

"is that such a crime?" She complains.

Joao comes downstairs, "you made it," he smiles at us.

"yep," I smile back at him.

"I unpacked in a random room. I didn't really know what one was yours, but I took an educational guess and you have a lot of rooms for one person so," he chuckles rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

I have a feeling he's slightly nervous, which he has no reason to be. "I'm sure it's fine and even if you do have my room, I can sleep somewhere else, I mean it has 8 rooms for a reason," I chuckle slightly.

I'm starting to feel more and more snobby by the minute and yeah, I like spending money but I think I'm still normal with my 3 blue Bentleys and 8 roomed houses.

"do you need help with your bags?" He notices that they are still in the car.

I shake my head, "no-"

Alba cuts me off, "yes please,"

Joao chuckles, "ignore her" I push her.

"no it's fine," he walks over to the car.

I roll my eyes, "so lazy, I'll come with." 

We go to my car, "how long do you think this will go on for?" He grabs a suitcase out the boot.

"honestly, I have no clue," I want to think not long, but I honestly just don't know.

"well thanks again, for begin civil, most people would just ignore and hate each other," he gives me a small smile. 

"no need to thank me, that should be the bare minimum, it's not like you wanted this either, might aswell make life easy for both of us." We bring the suitcases inside and I go to my room to unpack.

you guys i got 80% in my chemistry test i'm so proud of myself!! 

and i have a school trip tomorrow i love this week

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now