quarenta e seis

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After the match, I head over to the hallway a couple of turns near the changing rooms until my jaw absolutely drops when I see my ex. His eyes lock into mine and he grins like he's been waiting for me.

"hey," Davi says opening his arms out for a hug which I politely decline because I honestly don't know what he's going to do.

"what are you doing here?" He's supposed to be in jail, I don't understand why he was let out so soon. I want to walk off but I know what he's capable of so I'll be as friendly as possible.

"I've come to get you back," he tells me in an obvious tone. I don't know why he thinks I'll want him back after everything he put me through.

I shake my head anxiously, "I don't want you back I'm with Joao."

"but you miss me I know you do," he takes a step towards me.

"I don't." My heart is racing but I'm scared he'll do something, "you hurt me so much, you didn't even like me."

"I made a mistake, I love you I was just scared of losing you," he gives me a smile but I don't know if its genuine or not.

"please leave me alone," I say, my voice cracking slightly.

"no." He says in a demanding tone. Davi grabs my waist and starts trying to kiss me.

"get off me Davi." I feel tears in my eyes. It would be really nice for a player to turn around the corner right now.

he grabs me even tighter causing me pain around my waist, "you want me back, let's just try again."

"whats going on guys?" I hear Joao before I see him but I still thank god for him saving me.

Davi lets go of me, "just catching up."

Joao walks up beside me and holds my waist, it hurts but I don't show it, "who's this babe?"

I take a deep breathe before answering, even with Joao here I'm still panicking, "my ex Davi."

"hi bro I'm Joao her boyfriend," he sticks out his hand and Davi shakes it. I'm kinda surprised at how peaceful he is being.

"whats up?" Davi asks, like nothing has just happened.

"I think you've caught up enough no?" I'm grateful for Joao right now.

"soon," he turns his attention back to me, "how is our child?"

my heart drops, how does he know about that? "what?"

"you know, we were gonna call it Ali or Alia." He doesn't even know what he's talking about.

Joao turns his attention to me with a dark look and lets go of me, "I'll leave and let you guys talk."

"Joao wait!" He's got the completely wrong impression, "get someone else to drive you home."

He leaves, "fuck you Davi. It was a boy and I had a miscarriage," I explain.

he looks so confused, "what? How?"

"how did you even know I was pregnant? I didn't," I ask confused.

"because I didn't use protection a few times you must have been," he admits so casually.

I'm absolutely shocked, yeah he raped me a lot but I always thought he used a condom, he's the reason I'm even on birth control, "what?"

"I wanted a kid with you," he tells me. At one stage I did too but he ruined everything we had. "I know it was wrong but I told you I know the mistakes I've made and I want to try again but how did you have a miscarriage?"

I don't know why I'm still talking with him but if it was his kid he deserves to know, "overdosed on drugs ten too many times and when I was in hospital they told me." 

"well now we can start a new family again," why does he think this is happening.

I shake my head in anger, "no Davi you've just fucked up my relationship with Joao." 

He shrugs his shoulder with no remorse, "it's not my fault he doesn't trust you."

I scoff, "what and you did? If I even opened the door for a delivery parcel you would've hit me!" I'm honestly just so mad at this point.

"I've matured now please give me a chance," he begs and pins me to the wall.

I have tears in my eyes, "please leave me alone Davi please stop."

"it's okay hermosa I'm here for you." Suddenly he just collapses on the floor and I see Cristiano. I don't even care what he did I'm just glad he did it.

I cry into his chest for a few seconds before wiping my tears, he puts his arm around my shoulders and we head to the car park, "are you okay?" He looks at me worriedly.

I nod my head slowly, "I'm fine. I might have a bruise but I'll be okay, have you seen Joao?"

"yeah, he left without saying anything though." I sigh if only he waited longer.

"shit," I put my head in my hands.

"language." I roll my eyes, always playing the father role, "was that Davi?"

"yeah he's crazy but anyway great win I'm so proud of you!" I say trying to lift the mood.

He laughs at my reaction, "thank you sobrinha but are you sure your okay? What did he want?"

"he wants to get back together with me but today is not about me so are you celebrating?" I really don't want to talk. All I wanted to do was celebrate with Joao and now I wanna be alone.

"I want to go out with Gio but there's no one to look after the kids." I feel bad for them. I know they love their kids but they deserve some alone time together.

"I will," I offer.

"really?" He looks at me surprised.

"I miss them and I need to talk to Joao but there's no way he'll listen to me." The only thing that will take my mind off things is looking after the kids and that's what I need time with my family.

"about what?" He asks.

I shake my head really not wanting to talk about it, "he'll probably tell you later, I don't want to talk about it. Can you take me back to the hotel since Joao already left?"

He gives me a sympathetic smile, "of course."

i know its been a while soon I will post more frequently but for now I don't really have a schedule I just do it when I can sorry

please don't forget to comment and vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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