vinte e dois

111 1 0

Alba's POV

I'm worried that she's isolating herself, I'm upset that she won't talk to me and I'm mad that I left her to get this bad. I decide to message the group about her arrival.



Tatijana- the owner

Alba- the original

Joao- the lovesick

Pedri- the flirt

the original

shes back

the lovesick

 is she okay

the original

i thought you were at training 

the flirt

 it ended a couple minutes ago

the lovesick

what happened

the original

she might aswell have stayed in Madrid 

she went straight to her room and wont talk to me

the flirt

what could her uncle have possibly said

the original

 i dont know she spoke to you Joao what did she say

the lovesick

just said it was major she looked worried but thats it

the flirt

 maybe she will talk to you

the lovesick

i doubt it if she wont talk to Alba

the original

 might aswell try

the lovesick

alright we will be home in 20

the original

make it 15

After a few minutes they finally get home.

"did she look bad?" Pedri asks.

I nod my head, "really bad."

"I can't believe we let it get to this point," Joao says.

"go, try talk to her," I push him upstairs.

Joao's POV

I'm glad she's safe. Obviously, I'm still worried about her, but now I know she's safe. I go up to her room and knock on her door. All I can hear is her sobbing, which is making my heart break. "Go away," she says lightly.

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now