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⚠️⚠️⚠️SMUT WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️

(pretty much the whole chapter so just skip it if you don't wanna read it)

We get home and I go into my room and sit on my bed. My phone rings so I pick it up to see that Jude is calling me and I know exactly what he is going to say.

I answer, "not dating a Barcelona player huh?"

"I knew this was coming."

"Why did you deny it yesterday then?"

"He wanted to announce it tonight so surprise!" I say weakly. I hate lying to Jude I'm so lucky its just over the phone because in real life he would be able to see right through me.

"Well, congrats but if he hurts you he's a dead man trust."

I laugh, "thanks Jude but I have to go."

"I understand, celebrities have their duties to attend to, goodnight Tatijana." 

"night." I hang up the phone but before I get the chance to put it down it rings again. This time it's a facetime from my one and only cousin, Cris Jr.

"how did I not know this?" He complains


Gio comes into the camera, "that you are dating Joao, I thought I was your favourite aunt"

"you are, it just slipped my mind." I lie.

"seguro, supongo que crié a un mentiroso." Well technically I am lying, but I wouldn't if I didn't have to.

(sure, I guess raised a liar)

"oye no te miento pero tal vez deje de decirte cosas," I defend myself.

(hey, I'm not lying to you but maybe I'll stop telling you things)

"no te atrevas," she warns me.

(don't you dare)

 "Anyway we need to meet him," Cris says.

"You'll meet him at the Euro's," I yawn. " I'm tired leave me alone."

"Fine then night prima," Jr blows me a kiss through the screen.

"sleep well." I hang up again and wait a couple of seconds before putting my phone down. Then, I hear knock on my door.

"what's up?" I say signalling for the person to come in.

Weirdly, Joao walks in. I know we went out for dinner and had fun, I'm not expecting to become best friends or anything. He's avoiding eye contact and fiddling with his fingers, "this is random, but I was wondering, did you ever get to do you birthday tradition?"

That caught me so off guard, I cough. "Oh umm, no." I forgot about that and why did he care anyway?

"do you mind me asking what it is?" I'm so confused, why does he want to know so bad?

"no, don't worry, it's really stupid and dumb." It's so embarrassing, I'm not telling him that. 

"well, if it's a tradition, it must be important to you. Is there anything I can do about it?" He seriously just needs to let it go.

"no, probably not," I rub the back of my neck.

"okay, my curiosity is getting to me now, what is it?" He's practically begging to know.

"I have birthday sex." I whisper that so quietly, there's no way he heard.

"huh?" I roll my eyes.

"I find a stranger and I have sex with them," I tell him.

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now