trinta e oito

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3 hours later

"I've got to go now guys," Ruben says.

"where are you going?" Bernardo asks.

"I've been summoned by Tatijana to go and watch England play," he jokes. But it just makes me remember that she's here and she will talk to everyone but me.

"see you later then," Joao says.

"tell her to come to the next Portugal dinner, I'm inviting her since Felix isn't," Bernardo jokes making me roll my eyes.

He leaves and Bernardo gives me a side hug, "I don't get it, you cheated and wanted her to break up with you and then she did but now you want her back in a matter of days."

"I wouldn't have cheated if she just talked to me," I try to defend myself but I cheated I'm in the wrong there's no excuse.

"and you told her that?" Joao asks. Bernardo is just happy there's drama but Joao actually wants to help me.

"I would, if she gave me the chance to explain." Talking about the situation is so stressful.

"you cant really blame her for not wanting to talk to you," he tells me. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes because I know why she won't speak to me but that doesn't mean I won't try.

"but she want's to talk to me she just to scared," I say.

"and you know that how?" Bernardo asks skeptically.

"okay, I don't actually know that." She must want some closure though, she must want to know why I did what I did.

"maybe she really just doesn't want to, maybe she wants to get over you and you should respect that," Joao tells me. He's just as wise as Cristiano but that doesn't mean I like that.

"and I'll let her, if that's what she really wants but I want her to atleast hear me out first." I'd honestly do anything for her to jut speak to me for two minutes.

I get a notification and I pick up my phone immediately until I see its Hugo and then I put it back down in disappointment. "No way, you really though it was Tatijana," Bernardo laughs at me.

"shut up, "I throw my phone at him.

Tatijana's POV

When the boys finally meet me in the lobby we head to the match. "No way you'll tell Ruben who your mystery girl is but you won't  tell me."

"it's not a girl and I'm not hiding anything from you,." I feel a pain in my chest I can't lie we've never hidden secrets before so I don't know why he' tarting now. For tonight though my focus is on cheering for the England squad.

"I still can't believe you support Arsenal," Ruben says with disgust.

I roll my eyes scoffing, "humble yourself, you beat my team in a title race twice, when Pep leaves your club will turn to shambles, next season is our season watch."

"nah Man United will win." Who invited this guy?

"not even in God's dreams man," Ruben jokes and I agree.

We arrive at the match and make small talk, signing clothes and taking pictures with fans in the stadium until the match starts.

It's a pretty boring match but my boy Jude scores obviously, but apart from that it's pretty boring England dominate but can't do anything with it. When the match ends we see the players congratulate them for their win but eventually go back to the hotel. I go to my room and see Alba.

"I'm taking you out for dinner," Alba tell me with a huge smile on her face.

"ooh nice, but why?" I ask. I'm not one to say no to free food, but Alba hates spending her money when she can spend mine.

 "I feel like since we got here we haven't hung out with each other and we've spent too much time catching up with old friends." I agree, I literally haven't spoken to her since the day of my concert.

"okay yeah, lets do it." We are both dressed appropriately so we head out to this nice looking restaurant.

"so how are you?" She asks.

"I'm feeling good, I'm just trying to have fun how about you?" I tell her.

"fine, it's nice to catch up on old friends," she takes a sip of her drink. "Are you and Joao okay?"

"no," I say truthfully. "I still can't bring myself to talk to him. I thought it would be easier but every time I see him it just reminds me of the fact he broke my heart." I'm trying to get over him and I keep thinking that I have but when I see him I realize I'm not.

We talk and eat for a while until we both agree it's late and head back to our room and call it a night.

sorry guys i have three test this week so i may be slow posting

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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