vinte e um

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Guess what. It's been a week since Tatijana went to Madrid. I've been stressing every day, they haven't cared until right now. She's still disappeared and no one knows if she's still in Madrid or not because her phone isn't on.

"maybe she was driving back and she ran out of petrol and her phone died so she's walking," Pedri says. Every time he opens his mouth he manages to annoy me more.

"that's such a dumb idea," I tell him.

"do you have something better?" He argues.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Alba, "have you called her uncle, maybe she's with him?"

"that's actually a good idea." What kind of friend is she? How has she not thought of this?

"you haven't called him yet?" I'm gonna flip. I'm living with useless human beings.

"no, my bad," she calls him and he picks up.

"hello... Good thanks, you?.... She's not with you?" Great so she is missing. "Well she met with you on Monday no?...She hasn't been back since and her phone keeps going to voicemail....Why? what happened?... I don't know! Just tell me what's wrong.... Okay please tell me if anything bad happens." She hangs up. 

"So?" I ask  impatiently.

"I told her uncle, he's gonna try find her right now," I sigh. Part one of finding her is done.

Then my mind goes to the next possible issue, "but what if she isn't there?"

Cristiano's POV

I take my jet and fly to Spain in three hours. I don't know how but my pilot works wonders.

I walk into her house and call out her name just praying for an answer, "tio," I hear her say. Thank God. I was so worried about her I don't know why I assumed she'd be fine when I left her in tears especially when I know what she's like when she's upset.

I run up to her room, "unlock the door sobrinha."

"no... I'm okay." I can hear the tears in her voice. I can hear how weak she is. I can feel her pain and suffering. I just hope there's nothing in there that is slowly killing her.

"Tatijana please," I beg.

"okay," she unlocks the door after a while and I open it, sit next to her and hug her. I can tell the hug is needed.

"you're wearing the same clothes you were wearing when I came to you," I realize.

"I haven't left my room since you told me," she says. I feel so bad, I can hear her struggling.

"so no food, water, anything?" I ask worried.

Tatijana's POV

 I'm so weak, I haven't moved in days. I'm glad he's here because I don't know if I would have survived. 

"not even drugs," I chuckle lightly but it hurts.

"this isn't safe." He clearly didn't find my joke funny. 

"I know but it should've been me not him." I'm on the verge of tears again.

"don't talk like that, it was his time," he tells me.

"I could have stopped this." All I had to do was give him money. It wouldn't have even touched my bank account but I was being petty.

"you don't know that," he says. 

I shake my head, "no, but there's a good chance."

"we're leaving." He stands up abruptly.

"where?" I ask looking up at him standing in front of me.

"either you come to Saudi with me or you go back to Barcelona, so I know you're not by yourself," he crosses his arms.

"I think it's best if I stay in Barcelona you know, with Joao and the media." Shit, I'm not thinking straight at all.

"what about Joao and the media?" I forgot he doesn't know it's a fake relationship or technically it's not fake anymore but yeah.

"umm I'll miss Joao too much and if I go to Saudi who knows what the media will think," I giggle nervously. 

He nods his head, I assume he understands what I'm saying, "yeah," he nods his head confidently. "Yeah. Alright, please shower, then I'll take you to get something to eat and then I'll take you back to Barcelona okay?"

"alright." He helps me up, I have a shower get dressed and we go to one of my cars

"where do you wanna go?" He asks.

"KFC," I tell him. I should definitely be eating healthy but I'm craving it so bad.

"alright." We drive to KFC, order food and eat it in the car.

"please stay safe in Barcelona," he warns me. 

"I will," I lie. I already know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna get home see everyone and cry. Then lock myself in my room so I can cry some more.

"it will only be a couple weeks until we see each other again at the Euro's, but I don't want to worry about you," he tells me seriously.

"no need, it will all be fine," I reassure him.

We get drive all the way back to Barcelona. It takes about 5 hours. We talk about everything and anything and I feel fine. I've forgotten all about this past week. That's why I love him, he can take my mind of anything. "Well I'm going now."

"see you at the Euro's," we hug and I walk inside to see Alba on the couch. My uncle helped me forget everything and just move my mind off things but the second he's gone all the memories flood back and I need to cry all over again.

"TATI-" She sees the tears flowing down my face. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "I don't wanna talk about it."

I go to my room and lock the door, "please tell me what's wrong," I hear her say from outside.

"I can't Alba. Please just leave me alone to process everything." I can't talk to anyone about this without screaming. No one will understand what I'm going through right now.

"you've been processing for the past week talk to me," she pleads.

"just go away," I tell her. I wanna be alone I don't care if it's healthy or not.

I hear her sigh, "I'm here for you when you're ready," she walks off.

ive got this weird business activities thing tomorrow and friday i dont know what it i but we are off timetable so i dont care

also be prepared for some drama coming soon im so excited to write it these past twenty chapters have been boring but its leading up to major problems for your favourite couple

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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