trinta e um

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We arrive at the bowling place. We haven't even started yet and Jude is being annoying.

"I'm gonna beat all of you," he says running around and stretching.

"well, if you are as good as bowling as you are at football, I have no doubts about it," Eduardo agrees. I've played bowling with Jude three times and he's bad so I don't know where he got his confidence from.

"don't disregard Tati she's really good," Karim tells them. It's true I'm not good at many things but bowling is kinda my forte.

We get set up and play 3 rounds guess what I won two of them. Only because Aurélien got lucky though. Jude did the worst just like I said. He's real quiet now.

"Jude, what happened back there," I tease him.

"bro, I pulled a muscle  yesterday that's all, I wasn't at my full potential." Excuses if you ask me.

"you're just bad, I won't lie," Luka says. I always knew he was gonna do bad he's the cockiest guy I've met but that's why I love him, he makes everything entertaining.

Dani asks, "what movie are we watching?"

"it's not a movie," David tells us. I have a feeling I know what we are watching.

We get back in the cars and drive to a movie theatre, that of course they rented out just for us. They are so extra. We get snacks. I only get a slushie and chocolate buttons because we are going to have dinner soon. We head down to a room and I take a seat next to Jude and Eduardo. 

"what are we watching then?" My tio asks taking his seat. Just then, the screen turns on and it's just like I thought. Their documentary. I've watched it a couple time but most of them haven't watched it at all which I can't lie is pretty shocking to me.

Luckily for me, Jude didn't join Madrid until after so I don't have to hear him talk about himself the whole time. We sit and watch the 3 episodes. We talk over it sometimes until someone tells us to shut up. It's an interesting documentary and even though I've watched it before I would definitely watch it next week aswell.

(it's actually really good you guys should watch it unless youre culés 🤮)

After that, we walk out and head back to the car park.

"is it just me or did I look good," Antonio jokes.

"don't get too ahead of yourself the girls love me," Jude says, making me roll my eyes.

"if they knew you in real life they'd hate you," I tell him. He needs to be humbled.

He puts his arm around me, "oh, don't act like you don't love me."

I laugh, "where are we eating anyway?"

Karim agrees with me, "yeah, I'm starving."

"I've booked reservations at a restaurant called Gasthaus Kater Alex," David says. He always comes prepared. What would the others do without him?

We head to the restaurant and it looks pretty inside, but some of us can't read the menu so Toni and Antonio help us order. We eat and just enjoy each others company. They are such a family and I can only imagine how hard it must be to play against each other after spending so much time with  each other. 

They somehow find a way to make me pay the bill just because 'I'm the only one who hasn't played for Madrid.' I think it's because I'm the scapegoat but really I don't care and I know my tio and Karim will both pay me back.

We do end up going to the mall and it's true I bought a lot of things. It's not my fault I like clothes and I've got the money to buy it. They all take the mick, truth is they couldn't be a girl for 5 hours. We eventually drive back to the hotel and just chill in the lobby before we start getting tired.

"night guys, good luck all of you but just remember only Portugal is winning," I tell them. 

"we'll put up a hard fight," Toni says.

"nah France will beat all of you," Karim points at everyone.

"sure guys, well I'm heading up." We all say our goodbyes and go to our rooms.

I go back to my room and Alba's already asleep. It's only 10pm, so she must have been busy. I take an everything shower, do my skincare, and go on my bed. I think about going on social media but from the small peek I had earlier, I don't feel like crying myself to sleep especially not after it was a really nice day. It was tiring but I'm glad I was invited because I had fun and it took my minds off things for a while.

i didn't go into much detail because I it's just easier to write about matches so they'll be coming up now but i hope you enjoyed bonding with the madrid boys anyway.

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now