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I wake up feeling really unclean and desperately needing a shower. Last night was amazing, don't get me wrong but I'm dirty, my sheets are dirty and my conscience is dirty. I have a shower, which isn't that smart, since I'm going to the gym even though my legs hurt like hell, and put my sheets in the washing machine.

I walk out and see Alba smirking at me, "I guess your birthday tradition happened anyway."

"I guess it did," I already feel my cheeks rising and my face overheating.

"was it good?" She asks nudging my arm.

"so good," I nod my head.

"oh, I know I couldn't sleep," she crosses her arms.

"sorry," I apologize. I'm not really though.

"it's alright I'm glad you had fun," she hugs me. "I'm going out, I'll probably be home late." Alba has so many friends compared to me,, I find it hard to believe I'm her best friend sometimes.

"okay, I'm going to the gym so I probably won't see you before you leave, stay safe." I rub her arm.

"I will." I go downstairs and see Joao cooking something, his back facing me.

I sit at the counter and watch him praying that nothing will be awkward, "morning."

He turns around and smiles at me, "morning. Did you sleep well?"

"yes, thanks. You?" I ask him back.

"yeah your beds are really comfy," he turns back around to not burn whatever he's cooking.

"have to make sure that visitors give my 5 stars," I joke making both of us laugh.

"thanks again for yesterday," I rub the back of my head.

"of course I enjoyed it." He turns around again to face me, smiling.

"I really don't want it to be awkward now," I tell him.

"don't worry, it won't be, it was just some innocent birthday sex nothing emotionally." I sigh out of relief, "I do have a question though."

"what?" I ask slightly scared.

"if it's such a birthday tradition, how come you weren't gonna do it?" He asks. That's a simple question to answer.

"I know this is a fake relationship, but I still wanna be loyal and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable and beg. Also, you wouldn't like it if I did it with Pedri," I giggle.

"well thanks for being loyal, I'm glad I did it and yeah Pedri wouldn't let me hear the end of it," he chuckles.

Joao's POV

Last night was magical. I wasn't expecting much to be honest but it was the best. Her hourglass body, her tight pussy, the way she moaned my name, she is much better than Magui. Would I do it again? Yes 100%, she was and is amazing and not just her body. She's different. Any other celebrity wouldn't care about how I feel, and would go out and sleep with everyone, with no care in the world but she cares, she wants to make this work and I'm glad that if I have to be in a fake relationship it's with her.

"that's such a weird tradition," I say. Now that I'm really thinking about it, birthday traditions are weird, full stop.

"I know but ever since I was 17 I've slept with someone on my birthday and my birthday only," she explains to me.

"why only your birthday?" I ask.

"for the most part I'm waiting for the one, but a girls gotta have some fun." That makes sense. I guess?

"fair," I say. 

"well what plans do you have?" She asks.

"I've got training in about 10 minutes," I tell her. I kinda thought it was obvious since I'm in my kit, but maybe she's just trying to change the subject.

"who's breakfast for then?" She says, pointing at the food I'm currently cooking behind me.

"you," I say. That sounded intense now that I'm thinking about it but she didn't think of it that way, so it's okay.

"me, why?" She looks confused but in a good way. I don't even know if that makes sense.

"call it a late birthday breakfast?" I give her a small smile.

"that's so nice of you, but I was gonna go to the gym." My face drops a little, I was excited for her to try it. She must've seen my expression change though, "no, don't worry, I'll definitely eat it when I come back, thank you so much."

"of course, what are friends for?" She hugs me.

"see you later then," she gets up, grabbing her phone and bag from the chair next to her.

"bye," I wave her off as she walks out.

ive got another school trip tomorrow, i don't even know what im doing except i get to talk to random strangers on the street and go shopping afterwards so exciting

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now