quarenta e dois

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"are you sure you don't wanna go out? We still have time." I sit on his lap.

"all I wanna do is spend time with you and just you with no one else around to interrupt we need to catch up," he tells me.

I nod my head, "okay."

"but are you okay?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm fine it's not about me."

"but I wanna make sure you're fine," he gives me a concerned look.

"I'll probably never get to terms with his death and I'll always blame myself but i'll be better I've got my family, friends and you to get me through it." He hugs me and kisses me.

"I love you and I'm not saying that to get out of this mess, for you to forgive me or guilt trip you because I've been a horrible fake boyfriend, a horrible person and I haven't really proved that I like you but I love you Tati and I want you to let me prove my love to you."

He said he loved me, Joao loves me and I'm pretty sure I love him back, "I love you too but I don't have you a present."

He chuckles, "you talking to me again is the best present ever."

He kisses me and doesn't stop, he puts his hand at the back of my neck as he slips his tongue inside my mouth i put my hands around his neck and it starts getting rougher by the second but I here a knock, I pull away to go open the door but he just kisses me again, but a knock comes again. "Tati are you in there?" I hear my tio ask.

This time his grip is to strong so I can't pull away, "mhm." Is all I manage to say, I tap Joao's shoulder multiple times so he can let me go but he just ignores it.

"Tatijana, I swear if you don't open the door," I grab Joao's arm and losen his grip so I can get up.

"coming!" I call out.

Joao groans and I just roll my eyes and go to the door. I open it, "what took so long?" 

"umm I was in the bathroom." I smile to myself and start blushing.

"I'm really sorry for this morning I didn't want to pressure you." He gives me a sympathetic look.

"it's okay, you were right," I admit.

"is Joao in here then, he wasn't in his room?" He asks.

"yeah," I nod my head.

He walks in and I go beside him, "I'm assuming you guys talked it out."

Joao is grinning, "yep better than ever."

"did you need anything tio," I ask him.

"tio?" Joao sounds so confused which is fair since I've never told him Critiano Ronaldo is my uncle.

"I'm her uncle," he says.

"wait, like blood," Joao asks for confirmation. I nod my head, "Tatijana Cam Aveiro, Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro how did I not know this?"

"not many people bother connecting the dots and there's no need to tell people," I hurg my shoulders.

"so I've been talking to you my idol about my issues with Tati and you knew everything that was going on you knew why she was isolating herself, but why would you still want me to be with her after what I did?" He asks themselves.

"we all make mistakes filho and I know why you did it even though you shouldn't have. You're a good person and you're one of the only people I'd trust with my sobrinha. You make her happy and I know that so I gave you the benefit of the doubt don't think it will happen again though," he gives Joao a stern warning.

"you guys talked about me?" I say intrigued.

"I needed to tell someone and he's wise so I decided to go to him who else knows?" 

"most of the Portugese team, the Madrid team and I guess you friends and the Arsenal team." I nod my head, "but I just came to remind you that our match is at 8:00 but coach wants us there at 6:30 on the dot don't be late."

"okay thanks I'll be there," Joao says.

"who's jersey should I wear today?" I ask the two people in front of me.

"Joao's you just made up," my tio says.

"yesss finally," Joao punches the air.

"see you guys later don't be late," he leaves.

I'm honestly so tired i'll continue posting tommorow

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now