vinte e oito

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I see Pedri smiling at me, "I hate you by the way."

"the love is mutual, you were missed dearly," he gives me a little nudge.

"is dinner ready yet?" Joao asks. 

"actually Joao it is," Alba tells him. She serves it and we sit down. Me next to Pedri, Alba opposite me with Joao next to her.

"how was your travels?" She asks me starting conversation.

"fun and definitely needed," I say.

"why Saudi though?" Pedri looks at me confused.

I look at Alba and she shrugs her shoulders. I just assumed she would've told them but I guess not, "it's a beautiful country and I needed to clear my mind."

"how are you about everything now?" He asks. He already knows because we spoke a lot when I was away but I guess he's just making small talk.

"better, I mean I'm not in my room right?" I joke.

"wait you know?" Joao speaks up for the first time in a while. Pedri nods his head, "why am I the only one that doesn't know?" He complains. 

I scoff, "because your the only one I don't wanna tell." I play with my food. He kinda pissed me off with that, yeah I know it's kinda awkward right now but no hello, how are you. No, his first words to me is why am I the only one that doesn't know.

Joao's POV

That was fair even if it hurt, I didn't even say hello when she came in but that's because I thought it would be awkward, of course she isn't gonna tell me what happened. We need to talk I know that but now isn't the right time.

"how is football going?" she asks.

"well someone has been on the bench for a while since he can't focus on anything but you and without are starboy we've kinda slipped but I believe after the Euros and you two sort everything out we'll be back to our best. On the bright side I've never felt better," Pedri tells her.

"that's great." Atleast she's happy for some of us.

"you didn't watch us play?" I ask considering she normally watches all our matches even if she can't be there in person.

"no." She doesn't even look at me when she says that.

Pedri slurps his pasta and sauce goes on his cheek making Tati giggle, "that's nasty Pedro."

She wipes his cheek with her hand, "thanks." He kisses her cheek.

"eww you licked me," she laughs. If someone licked me I wouldn't find it very funny.

"not on purpose," he says.

She rolls her eyes jokingly, "never on purpose." I don't know if they were doing this on purpose to make me feel jealous or guilty but it was definitely working. Technically, she never broke up with me and he's my best friend and yeah, he always flirted with her, he's just a flirt but in these circumstances it really annoyed me.

"has Camila talked to you?" Alba asked. Camila's been talking to me more than her because she's trying to make me fix things. I think she believed Tatijana's lie about us not falling for each other and it's just because I'm fucking up her future so she wants me to go sort things out.

"oh yeah, she's pissed but I'll deal with her when I have to," she says.

Tatijana's phone starts ringing and she answers it, "mhm... fine... I'm having dinner... yeah... no... I won't... bye... hello... tomorrow... bye... yes...okay no... no... no means no prima... don't...see you tomorrow." She hangs up, "sorry."

"who was it?" Pedri asked.

"my uncle and cousin," she tells him.

"is she cute?" I roll my eyes he wants every one to love him.

"for a 6 year old sure." I would laugh if we weren't in the middle of an argument.

"did she say she missed me?" Alba asks.

Tati nods her head, "she said she missed playing mermaids with you."

"hey I'll take it," Alba jokes.

Tati looks at her phone that's when I realize. Her lock screen is still me and her. I don't know if that's for the media or if she genuinely wants it there but it means we have a chance and I can win her back. I've been thinking about giving up but this just proves she's not over me and she wants this to work so I'm going to talk to her and get her to forgive me. "This was really nice guys but I should really get going."

"of course," Alba says getting up from the table collecting everyone's plates.

"I really did miss most of you and I'm glad everything's been going well." That dig bugged me but she really doesn't know how I feel. How everything I've done has been killing me. How not talking to her, knowing she's mad is eating me out alive. All I wanna do is talk, explain myself and beg for forgiveness but I know that's not right or fair on her.

"when do you guys fly out?" Tatijana asks standing up.

"tomorrow," Pedri says

"see you all tomorrow then," she hugs Pedri and Alba then walks out.

bro everyone is pissing me off but apart from that i had an english test and guys i actually cooked if i dont pass with flying colours i think ill kms

i also shotgunned 3 red bulls which is actually so fun i hundred percent recommend i actually felt so high i was uncontrollably laughing for the next hour

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now