quarenta e cinco

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It's been a ride here that's for sure, but me and Joao are better than ever. It's Portugal's first knockout stage match against Slovenia and I'm nervous but not as nervous as him. I've tried reassuring him and it works but not for long and it's not helpful that the one game he played in the knockout stages they lost.  Croatia got knocked out which was sad I cried, and Luka cried. Italy got knocked out which also made me a bit upset but a lot of teams will be eliminated good or bad no matter what. My heart honestly broke seeing his face but if Portugal wins I'll get over it.

"don't even worry about it Joao you'll do great," I try to help him calm done.

"but what if I lose the ball or make a mistake that ends in a goal," he stresses out.

"then your team will score another no one will blame you its a team effort Joao and you've got a great one," I tell him. I did this before all his Barcelona matches aswell. I know he believes in his ability but everyone has there doubts. He's on the starting line-up and It's clear how stressed he is.

(i know he wasn't actually but its for the story)

I kiss him and leave him on the pitch to head up to the box with Gio and the kids.

"he'll do great don't worry," she says, but for some reason I don't believe that.

"I'm only worried because he is worried and I don't want his self-sonfidence to go,"

"that won't happen they'll play great," she rubs my arm and gives me a reassuring smile.

Te match starts and to anyone else it would be a boring match but as a Portuguese I've just been stressing I really underestimated the Slovenians. Both teams had there chances but at the end of the match  its 0-0, so extra time. Again, nothing really happened apart from the penalty Cristiano missed. When he cried I felt like total shit, I wanted to do something but realistically I couldn't. It ended up on penalties and thank fuck Portugal won. I cried and went down immediately comforted my tio I know he didn't feel as bad because they won but still. I went to kiss Joao next slowly and passionately, because he too played great and I was honestly so proud of him and the team.

I haven't uploaded in so long my bad guys its test season again I'll try upload more now it's knockout stages

its also really short so i apologize for that aswell

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now