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Everyone agrees and we leave the museum. I drive us to Nando's and we sit down. I'm sitting next to Alba while Pedri sits next to Tati. We order and just make small talk until the food arrives. Pedri takes a chip off Tatijana's plate.

"hey, that was on my plate." She smacks his arm lightly.

"my bad Ana," he says. I must've missed a chapter because me and Alba look at each other confused.

"Ana?" I ask. I need some clarity as to what's going on.

"he wanted to give me a special name, one that only he can use. Never heard of it, but it's not that bad," she shrugs her shoulders. I swear to god he's doing this just to annoy me, but it's not gonna work.

He takes his own chip and feeds it to her. I'm a bit grossed out, not because I'm jealous, but because it's a bit weird since they aren't together and they also just met and she's technically supposed to be with me even if the media don't necessarily know yet.

"turn that frown upside down," Alba whispers to me.

"I wasn't frowning," I definitely am now though.

"looked jealous to me," she shrugs her shoulders innocently.

"I'm not jealous, I don't care," I shake my head. Why does she want me to care so much? It doesn't matter if they're close or not, I'm happy they get along well.

"they're in a world of their own, don't let him take you girl." She's right. They don't even notice us, we are both having separate conversations.

"she's not my girl and I want him to be happy," I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet," Tatijana says standing up to leave.

"she's perfect," he's all flustered and red and definitely thinking about her.

"you just met her," I tell him.

"so?" So there's no way he can like her, not properly anyway.

"she likes you," Alba smirks.

He lights up hearing this, "you think?"

"I know." One second she's telling me I like a girl I met yesterday, and now she likes Pedri after knowing him for couple of hours. What is she trying to do?

"should I shoot my shot?" He asks.

"well technically, we have to date, so maybe not now." I wanna be his wing man but it just won't work because of the situation we are in.

"you're right, after this whole catastrophe," I nod my head in agreement.

"I need to take her out for dinner, where though?" I told her I had the perfect place, I was lying. I just wanted to sound impressive.

"I know a perfect place," Pedri says.

"where?" I ask, knowing him he's gonna say KFC.

"it's about 20 minutes from her house, I'll send you the address," he tells me.

"I swear if your taking the piss," I warn. I actually want this to go well, like another first impression.

"I'm not. I promise, she doesn't deserve to go anywhere bad," he says and he looks serious.

"who doesn't deserve what?" Tati comes back to the table and sits down.

"that was quick," I say.

"well it doesn't exactly take 5 minutes to piss does it," she giggles. She's right, but normally girls check their make-up and take 20 minutes in there. At least, that's how long Magui used to take.

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now