quarenta e quatro

114 2 0

2 hours later

I wake up and he's still asleep lightly snoring. I'm so lucky to have him with me even after everything I put him through, and everything he put me through I guess. I slowly get out of his grip go to my room and have a long shower. I come out the shower and change into a short summer dress, Joao comes in through our conjoined door with his hair dripping. So. I guess he had a shower too.

"where did you go?" He asks looking intensely at me.

"I didn't wanna wake you up so I had a shower," I tell him. He looked so peaceful and handsome.

"I don't like waking up without you," he frowns giving me a hug.

"don't sleep for so long then," he chuckles. "I feel bad for whoever's cleaning these."

"it's their job," Joao says not caring.

"yeah but this is nasty," I look at the bedsheets, which actually looks disgusting.

"not our fault," he says making me roll my eyes.

"it is your unnecessarily horny," I poke his chest.

"you make it hard not to be," he give me a peck.

"where's shy Joao who barely spoke when we first met?" I ask jokingly. He was easier to deal with.

"I was nervous being with such a pretty nice girl," he tells me truthfully. "Do you wanna go for a walk?"

"but you need to be ready in 3 hours," I say cautious that Cristiano says not to be late.

"so we go out for about an hour then come back and get ready," he explains his thought process.

"okay," I put on some light make-up and put some products in my hair, "I don't think I have a jersey with your name on it."

"oh, don't worry about that, I've got you sorted." He give me a wink before grabbing my hand and dragging me out to the elevator.

"where are you taking me?" I am slightly nervous I have no clue what to expect from him.

"I've been waiting to take you here since we both got here," he tells me. It's a mall walk to this cliff, with a big apple tree.

"it's beautiful." It's got a great view of buildings, stadiums and like everything.

We chill, catch up on pretty much everything and lucky for us we catch paparazzi taking pictures so hopefully everyone thinks we are all right now, but we decide to put statements out anyway. We go back, he gives me a jersey and we all make it to the stadium, me, Gio, Alba, Pedri and the kids all take our seats and wait for the match to start.

I won't lie as much as I love Portugal it was a pretty boring match apart from their late winner of course. Joao didn't play which is fair because from what I've heard training I dreadful, but hopefully from now on everything improve. I'm still happy that Portugal won nevertheless.

bro I did a math mock and I'm cooked guys foundation math is the one for me i have another one tomorrow wish me luck

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now