trinta e dois

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The next day

I wake up and let's just say reality hits hard. Yesterday was just me running away from my issues and now they've caught up to me. Joao broke up with me. Well, I broke up with him but still. We're officially over. When we first got together, I was excited to spend time with him but now we are gonna act like strangers and I want it that way, I don't want to be around him. 

Alba looks at me seriously, "why are you crying?"

I didn't even notice. I wipe my tears, "nothing just thinking about Joao."

"you can't keep crying over him, you're better than him get that in your head. He's a dick," she gives me a hug but I just cry on her shoulder.

"I wish it was that easy Alba, I hate that he has this effect on me." I regret ever taking him to that room, I should've just went back to Alba immediately.

"as much as I just want to hang out with you, I'm going to help you get over Joao," she tells me.

"that sounds great but I doubt I'll get over him in a day," I'm still crying but I'll try.

There's a knock on the door. Alba opens the door and Gio walks in.

She hugs me, "you weren't at breakfast today."

Alba doesn't even let me respond, "she's too busy crying about her ex."

She looks at me flabbergasted, "you broke up."

I nod my head and I'm crying again, "I'm done, we're over and I'm heartbroken."

"you can't be upset tonight is your big night," Gio reminds me. It's the opening for the Euro's and I'm performing right before it.

It's my biggest night and I forgot and I'm crying over Joao. "No, you're right let's hang out."

"We can get massages and go shopping," Alba says. We all agree. When I'm by myself all I think about is Joao but when I'm with other people. I have no time to think about him so it's a great idea.

Gio leaves to go get ready, and I go have a shower.  I come out choose an outfit to wear. I don't bother put any make-up on because it's pretty hot and I don't want it to melt off. I leave my hair down and me and Alba head to Gio's room.

Gio leaves and we get into my car, "where to first?"

"let's get massages we need to let loose," Alba says. I agree, these past few days I've been so tense, I just need this.

I drive while we all scream our hearts out to music. When we arrive, the workers immediately recognize all of us and put us in a VIP suite for free. They were super sweet and we had a very nice experience. They happen to have a restaurant there aswell so we eat there. More like Alba and Gio eat, I'm going on stage tonight and I don't need any reason for the media to tell me I look chubby. 

"thank you we will definitely be back," I tell the staff before we head out.

"no thank you for coming it was so nice meeting you," Emma, one of the head staff gives us a hug.

"I'm definitely telling the queridas about this place," Gio says as we walk out.

"let's go shopping now," Alba says getting in the car.

"do you have your outfit already Tati," Gio asks me.

I nod my head, "yep, let me show you." I find a picture of me wearing the dress on my phone and show them. "It's literally perfect."

Alba agrees, "no one's going to be able to take their eyes of you."

We go to the mall and buy A LOT of clothes. That's what happens when you put three people who love shopping together, we buy the whole shop. Most of mine were presents to be fair. I might need to buy an extra suitcase because everything I bought wont fit in the three I already have.

"let's go back and rest before tonight," Gio suggests and she's right I need a nap before I go on stage later.

I drive back to the hotel. Gio goes to her room and me and Alba go back to ours. We do hauls of what we bought as if we weren't there when we bought the clothes, and scroll through Instagram and Tiktok together before she decides to have a shower. I get changed into comfortable clothes and go to sleep.

I wake up to my alarm in tears, I just had a dream about Joao and now that I'm awake, I can't seem to stop crying. I check the time and I've got three hours, so I shower then Alba sees me and that I've been crying. She hugs me and I just cry on her shoulder for a bit.

another stupid filler chapter 🙄🙄

i promise drama is coming soon, i actually don't know when it will be but just be patient

euros start today im so excited my prediction is 3-1 Germany 

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now