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"you're jealous," he smirks at me.

"no, I'm not." There's nothing to be jealous about.

"you didn't want her to help me," I wanna slap that grin of his face so bad.

"because I don't know what your plan is." I look at him skeptically.

"I just want to get to know her better." Sure, like he hasn't done that for the past 3 weeks.

"yeah, no," I tell him.

"you like her," he reads my mind.

"kinda." I'm downplaying it so much I really like her.

"you're not allowed to." He's enjoying this a bit too much.

"you make it sound like it's a choice. You're right she's stunning and funny and kind and not snobby like other celebrities and I know we only act like a couple outside but it feels normal when we kiss. I don't wanna kiss anyone else when it's just us two, I want it to be just us two. I always think about her even when I shouldn't. When she wears my jersey, I cant help but smile cause even though she's not really mine, she kinda is." All my emotions are out in the world now for people to use against me.

"woah, I didn't know you were in this deep," Pedri says, looking at me seriously now.

"neither." That all just came out. I had no control over my mouth.

"I'll leave her alone if your serious about her," he tells me.

"thanks bro, but I don't know if it can ever turn into something more and I feel like she only sees me as a friend, she treats me like she treats you," I say. Realistically nothing can ever properly happen between us it will just end up bad.

"she doesn't, she looks at you with desire she talks about you like your the only person she cares about, her eyes sparkle when she looks at you." That's reassuring but how can I believe it if she hasn't said it?

"you've noticed all this?" He nods his head. "I always thought she liked you so I didn't think I had a chance."

"I've always seen her as a friend I just wanted to knock some sense in you and clearly it worked." He pats my back so hard, it feels like he rearranged my whole spine.

"you think I should ask her today?" I say not confident in any of my life decisions.

He shrugs his shoulders, "I would if I were you." 

He's right, she can have anyone I don't want to lose her just because I was a pussy. "Okay bro thanks."

"now help me pack." We drive to his house and he's right fans were everywhere we barely got inside.

"I can't believe she said yes." He's jumping around like a little boy.

"she's kind like that," I say "I've never seen her put a foot wrong."

"how though?" He seems shocked. "She must have done something wrong."

"nope never, she's literally the definition of perfect," I tell him.

"okay I get it," he says. I roll my eyes.

"so when are you gonna tell her?" He asks. I assume he's talking about  telling Tatijana I like her.

"never," I say, nonchalantly.

"what do you mean?" He looks at me like I've just shot someone.

"I'm not gonna embarrass myself when I know she doesn't like me," It's not worth the awkwardness after that.

He scoffs, "bro your blind if you don't know that she likes you, it's so clear." 

"is it?" If it was that clear then surely I would know.

"for both of your own good, just tell her," he pushes me.

"when though?" I need to think about how I'll ask her. Still if I ask her.

"tonight." I can't tell her tonight. I haven't prepared myself.

"you don't think that's too soon," I say.

He shakes his head, "no. You've known each other for three weeks, you're fake dating anyway just take her somewhere nice and ask her out."

"fine, fine, I will let's just get our things."  We spend a good 3 hours, packing his things. I don't know what he owns but it was definitely too much.

We drive back to Tatijana's house which is technically our house for now then I help him unpack his things in cupboards and wardrobes, "I'm all unpacked."

"finally." I'm exhausted. It took us forever to do that, all I wanna do is sleep.

Tatijana comes in and leans on the door, "looks good guys."

"like you," Pedri winks at her. "We just finished."

I slap his neck lightly, "shut up, I did most of it."

"I just wanted to ask, what should I book for dinner?" She says. I forgot about that maybe that's the time to ask her out for real. 

"oh about that, I don't think I can make it Ronald needs my help," Pedri lies. I hate him.

"so we're staying home?" She asks confused.

"no you two can go out." I hate him. Why is he doing this to me?

"are you sure?" She looks for confirmation.

"yeah Pedri, are you sure?" Please make him change his mind.

"of course." Did I mention that I hate him?

"okay then Joao, what time?" She turns her attention back to me.

"whatever works well for you," I shrug my shoulders.

"6:00?" She realizes something, "oh ignore me. I forgot you had a dentist appointment."

"you remember?" I say shocked. Magui never listened to anything I said.

"of course Joao. I listen when you talk to me," I feel myself blushing. I definetly am becuase Pedri nudges me

"what about 7:30?" She changes her time.

"perfect I'll be ready," I say.

"great have fun with Ronald, have fun at the dentist," she tells us.

"going somewhere?" Pedri asks.

"running errands," she says.

"you don't live here, are you sure you're not meeting someone." Why is he interrogating her?

"haha very funny, no I need to go grocery shopping and meet up with Cam." She checks the time. I hope she's not late.

"have fun," I tell her. Not sure how fun running errands is but it must be better than the dentist.

"thank you Joao," she look at Pedri, "sometimes I wish you were as nice as him."

"hey I'm nice." She walks off.

 "sure," she shouts from in the hallway.

I laugh, "guess not everyone loves your Spanish charm."

He rolls his eyes, "Portuguese people are always so hard to please." 

"sure," I say still chuckling.

"well, what are you gonna wear?" He asks as we leave his room and walk into mine.

"I don't know we'll find something," I shrug my shoulder and look in my wardrobe.

i dont know what to say other than im so behind on my homework so i need to focus on that

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now