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I wake up and don't see Joao next to me, but I get a call from my uncle.

"manhã tio." He calls me often just to check up on me so it's not different today but it is quite early.

(morning uncle)

"onde você está?" What a way to start the day.

(where are you)

"I'm good thanks," I say sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry, but actually where are you?" He repeats his question. 

"what do you mean?" Why does it matter where I am.

"I'm at your house in Madrid, where are you?" What the fuck is he doing in Madrid?

"I'm in Barcelona why? What are you doing there?" I'm so confused right now.

"I need to tell you something important and I didn't want it to be over the phone." That sounds great.

"is it bad?" I ask, that's all I care about right now.

"I'll tell you everything when you get here." Shit,  that means it's very bad.

"you're scaring me tio," I didn't want to wake up like this.

"don't be scared sobrinha as coisas vão melhorar." When he speaks in Portuguese I'm fucked.

(niece things will get better) 

"tio," I knew my gut feeling was right, I just don't know why it is right.

"just hurry please," he hangs up. Worried is an understatement. I can't think straight, I know whatever I'm gonna hear is bad. I'm thinking of the worst possible situations. Is he retiring? Is he ill? Is Gio okay? Are the kids okay?

I go to my room and have a shower and get dressed pack a bag and run out of my room. I bump into Joao so hard I could get a concussion.

"woah," he holds me from falling. "Are you alright?"

"I have to go to Madrid," I tell him out of breath.

He scrunches up his face, "what? Why?"

"I'm meeting my uncle he needs to tell me something and I'll probably be back tomorrow

"umm, okay. Will you call me when you get there so I know your safe?" He asks. I feel bad we just got together and now I feel like I'm abandoning him.

"of course, I promise," I kiss him.

"I'll miss you and tell Alba here's my card for dinner and please make sure the house isn't a mess," I hand him my card.

"okay, I'll miss you too," he kisses me. "Bye."

"see you tomorrow." I run into my car, normally I'd drive to Madrid but waiting to know what's happened is killing me so I take my plane.

1 hour and 30 minutes later

I get to my house and see my uncle waiting for me, "what's up?"

"vamos entrar." Again with the Portuguese. Is he trying to give me a heart attack?

(lets go in)

"tio." He's doing this on purpose, I'm here and he still won't tell me why I'm here. 

"listen to me," he warns. I scoff and open the door.

If he won't tell me I might aswell be nice, "tea?"

"yes please," I go to the kitchen and make two cups of tea. I go sit down next to him.

"how have you been?" He asks me. I don't want to talk like nothing has happened but it's not like he's telling me anything.

"good, just trying to go with the flow," I tell him.

He takes a sip of the tea, "how are you and Joao?"

"oh yeah, we are good, I really like him and I'm excited to see how things go." I shrug my shoulders. I'm confident in our relationship and I think we are good for each other.

"are you and Alba still best friends?" He's asking questions he knows the answer to, he talked to Alba two months ago obviously we are still best friends.

I nod my head, "definitely I love her to bits."

"when are you going back to music?" I hate how he's trying to distract me from the main reason why I'm here.

"probably after you win the Euros obviously." He laughs. "What about you though? How's Saudi treating you?"

"it's good. The pay is good, and I'm enjoying the sport again." I'm happy for him. I know how bad his time at Man United so at least he likes football again.

"how is Jr?" I called him two nights ago so I know exactly how he is but I guess small talk is the best way to go.

"is he the only one you care about?" Cristiano jokes.

"no, but him and Alana are my favourite." I'm joking I love all my cousins equally, Mateo is so cute, Eva is my number one fan and Bella is a queen. 

"they are all doing good." He says, it's hard for him to not be with them all the time but I know he's still trying to be the best dad possible.

yesterday was my first day back to school and i got a detention for screaming in the corridors like what the hell

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now