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After La Sagrada Familia we drive back to her house.

"did you have fun?" I ask. I know it's not the way she wanted her to spend the day, but I still hope she enjoyed it.

"yeah of course," she gives me a big smile.

"but what about your birthday tradition?" Alba asks. Birthday tradition? What?

"shut up," Tati says, completely shutting down the thought of it.

"what is it," Pedri asks, clearly intrigued.

"nothing, it's boring," Tati shakes her head.

"she-" Alba starts, before Tatijana covers her mouth with her hand.

"shut up. It's fine, it's dumb really," I think Alba licks her, making her remove her hand.

"well, we should probably go. Dinner plans remember?" I tell her, I don't want to be late and it takes girls forever to get ready.

"oh yeah, right. Thanks Pedri for the tour, thanks Joao for being our chaffeur and thanks Alba for whatever you did," she says to us.

"anything for a pretty girl like you." Tati hugs him, he kisses her cheek and the girls walk inside.

"I like her," Pedri says randomly.

"okay?" Why do I need to know that.

"do you like her?" He asks.

"as a friend," I say.

"she's stunning, she's got such a great personality, and if you don't shoot your shot, I will." Why does no one understand I don't care who she's with because I don't like her.

"I'm not allowed to, even if I want to, which I don't," I clarify.

"be my wingman then," he tells me.

"shut up man, you've been fucking flirting with her the whole day," I raise my voice without even realizing.

He take a step back, "okay, no need to be aggressive but if you don't want her, I sure do."

"bye Pedri," I walk back to the house.

"see ya later man," he calls out before driving off.

"she's getting ready, but she doesn't know what to wear," Alba tells me.

"the colour theme is dark red," I say. I don't know why there's a colour theme, but I like red and why not match?

"I'll go help her," she runs upstairs and I go get ready.

Tatijana's POV

2 hours later

I go downstairs and see Joao standing there on his phone. He looks up at me in shock and I'm scared my dress is bad.

I look around at myself pulling a mirror out my bag, trying to find something wrong, "you look georgous," he says.

I sigh out of relief, "thank you, you clean up nice too."

"do you wanna get going?" I nod my head. We go to the car and he starts driving to the restaurant. I haven't heard of it before but I haven't seen Barcelona much before so. 

"wanna play music?" He asks, after we've been sitting in silence for a while.

"sure. Does it seem selfish if I play my own music?" I don't often listen to my own music, it makes me feel narcissistic, but when I just wanna be in my feelings, it helps me relax.

"not at all you, have to be your number 1 supporter." Sometimes I feel lucky that I met Joao. He understands me in ways I didn't think he would, but he's easy to talk to and he's a good listener.

"it just helps me think." I defend myself I know I don't  have to but I don't want him getting a bad impression of me.

Joao's POV

"what do you need to think about?" I ask. It's a silly question really, because there's so many things I need to think about to but I ask anyway.

"everything. If I wanna continue music, this relationship, if I actually care about being relevant." I want to ask her more questions about what she's on about, but she seems to deep in thought and I don't wanna ruin it. She plays her music, which is really good, I haven't listened to her music before, but I can see why she's successful.

guys help me i might be getting another isolation and my birthday is in 18 days so if i do my parents wont get me anything, that sounds bad but i love presents so i dont care.

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now