vinte e cinco

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"we haven't told the kids they never actually knew him and they're too young to properly understand," Cristiano says.

"I understand. Is it okay if I stay here until the Euros?" I can't imagine the trouble I've put them through because I'm being selfish.

"of course, it is don't worry," she rubs my back.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and see a message from Alba. Cristiano looks at me confused, "you kept your phone on this whole time?"

I shake my head no, "I put it on do not disturb so I get important notifications like you, Camila etc. then when I found out Jo- he cheated, I decided to turn my phone on again and yeah."

"why can't you say his name?" In all honesty I don't even know myself.

"trauma, I guess. I feel betrayed he promised me he wouldn't hurt me, he did. He's been cheated on he still cheated. He doesn't know about Davi yet but he just- yeah," I explain.

"you know Joao isn't like that," tio tries to reassure me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know who he is right now."

"don't keep Alba waiting," Gio tells me.

I open the message.


minha garota favorita

did you make it there safely

muita linda amiga

yep thanks im really sorry i promise when im ready ill tell you everything

minha garota favorita

theres no rush get better tell them i miss them

muita linda amiga

i will love you

minha garota favorita 

i love you too and whatever happens ill always support you

muita linda amiga

i know

minha garota favorita

i found out he cheated today im really sorry i wouldve told you if i knew sooner

muita linda amiga

its not your fault i wasn't good enough

minha garota favorita 

no no no youre more than enough he was insecure dont start self loathing

muita linda amiga

ive done that too much lately

minha garota favorita

i gave him a piece of my mind if it makes you happy i even slapped him on your behalf and called him a cunt

muita linda amiga

appreciate it

minha garota favorita

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now