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3 hours later

Tatijana's POV

I go downstairs and Joao is staring at me, "you look stunning."

He's such a sweet guy, "I didn't even do anything fancy." 

"you don't have to, you'll always look stunning and I'll always remind you." Oh, how I wish we weren't fake dating and it was all real. 

"aww that's so sweet, thanks." I never know how to feel around this guy he always makes me feel like the only girl in the world and we are just friends.

"wanna get going?" He suggests. I don't wanna be late.

"yep lets go." He grabs my hands and takes me to the car. We make small talk on the way and then arrive at the restaurant.

"it's so pretty in here," I look around, it's honestly stunning and basic at the same time. 

"you're prettier." I look at him and he's already smiling at me. 

"Joao you're making me blush." He literally gives me butterflies.

His face drops, "is that a good thing?" He asks.

I laugh. I love how nervous he gets, "yes." 

He smiles again, "then your welcome."

1 hour later

"can I tell you something really important?" He asks out of nowhere.

I get a little worried, "sure. Is everything okay?"

He senses my nervousness and puts his hand on mine, "everything is fine."

"go on then," I signal him to keep talking.

"I like you." That caught me off surprise. I'm not exactly sure if he means like a friend or as in more I assume the first one to make sure I don't embarrass myself. 

I giggle trying to be as normal as possible, "that's not important I like you too, you're a cool guy."

He takes a deep breathe, "okay, but I like, like you as in I think about you all the time. I think you're perfect, you make me smile, I literally love everything about you and I wanna date you."

"we're already dating," I joke. He looks at me with a straight face.

"I'm joking," I giggle. "I really like you too but y'know we aren't allowed to fall for each other."

"they won't know," he reassures me. "Does that mean you say yes to being my girlfriend?"

"yes obviously," I kiss him.

"Pedri was right." What is Pedri saying now?

"about what?" I ask curiously.

"I thought you liked him." He tells me, "you were really close."

That's the craziest thing I've heard no offense but there is no way I could like him, ever. "He's my friend but he's a bit too much for me."

"do you wanna go to the beach?" I nod my head.

2 hours later

We walk into the house and Pedri immediately jumps off the couch. "What happened?"

I shrug my shoulders smiling, "I couldn't resist his Portuguese charms."

"I'm jealous," he jokes or at least I hope he's joking.

"stay jealous, you better not try anything," Joao says side-hugging me tightly.

Pedri puts his hands up, "woah, woah bro's before hoes."

No way he just said that, "call me a hoe again and think I won't kick you out my house."

"I didn't mean it, sorry" he apologises.

Alba runs in, "so?"

"they're together," he tells her.

"AHHHH!" She jumps on me.

"please get off me I'm tired I'm going to go to bed night guys," I yawn and wave at them.

"good night. I knew we were too good to be true," Pedri says. I roll my eyes and giggle.

"night bestie," she hugs me.

I kiss Joao, "good night amor." I head to my room. 

3 hours later

I literally can't sleep I have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen I don't know why but I just do. I get up and knock on Joao's door, "can I come in?"

"yeah," I hear him say from inside. I walk in.

"I can't sleep," I say standing in front of his bed.

"why? Are you okay?" He looks at me concerned.

"I don't know, I just have this gut feeling that something bad is gonna happen." Normally I wouldn't think on it but my gut feeling is normally right.

"any reason?" He asks.

"no," I shake my head. "Just a feeling."

"don't try to think about it too much, come." I get in his bed and cuddle with him.

"we just got together, think about that, maybe it will ease your nerves." I smile at him I should just think about the good things that happened.

"okay, goodnight Joao." I close my eyes.

He kisses my head, "night Tati."

its my birthday today and ive been doing homework all day thats so fun isnt it

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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