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I run off get drinks and go to Alba. "Where have you been?" She pretty much shouts at me.

"it's a long story," I sit down next to her.

"well speed up then." She grabs her drink from my hand.

"I got our drinks and then some guy came out of nowhere and knocked me on the floor and he was running away from some crazy fan girls. I had my sunglasses on and he thought I was blind. I took my sunglasses off and the girls recognized me so we ran into a room to lose them," I explain.

"well who was he?" She asks curious.

"no clue," I shrug my shoulders.

"well he's famous if he's running away from fans?" Alba is far from smart, she's lucky she's talented. 

"yeah but I still have no clue who he is." I probably should've got his name now that I'm thinking about it.

"was he a prick?" She asks me this after I meet anyone remotely well-known.

"no, he was nice, funny and really good looking," I smile thinking about him which is very weird.

"your crushing," she nudges my shoulder.

"I'm not. I don't even know his name and I'll probably never see him again," I tell her. I don't like him.

Joao's POV

Tatijana, the name rings a bell but never really heard of her. She must have been someone important since she wanted to be hidden. I look at the time and I'm late Xavi's gonna kill me. I run to the changing rooms.

"Joao." Xavi looks at me sternly.

"sorry coach I had to run away from these fans," I say out of breath.

"how do you explain this then?" Pedri pulls out his phone and a picture of me and Tatijana is blowing up. Who even took this we were in this position for like 5 seconds.

"I bumped into her, I was making sure she was okay," I say defending myself.

"people think you're dating," everyone in the room 'whoos' and whistles.

I roll my eyes, "I didn't even know who she was 10 minutes ago."

"not the point get changed we are about to get on the pitch," Xavi says. I change and we walk onto the pitch that's when I see her talking to her friend. I only just realized that she was wearing a Real Madrid shirt. That's when she makes eye contact with me she looked shocked at first but then she smiled and put her thumbs up at me, I smile back. 

"just met her yeah?" Pedri jokes.

"shut up," I roll my eyes at him.

"your telling me everything after this match," he puts his finger in my face.

"fine." We get in position and kick off.

Tatijana's POV

I should've known he was a footballer, apart from the fact he seemed humble and I know not everyone is cocky but when your uncle is Cristiano Ronaldo it's just a normal thought. I see his jersey. Joao Felix. The name suits him, I swear I've heard that name before but I guess I didn't care.

"Joao Felix," I mumble.

"what?" Alba asked.

"that's who I was with Joao," I tell her not looking away from the pitch.

"no way," she suddenly has a massive grin on her face.

"is that important?" I'm confused. If he was so important surely I would already know him.

She continuously hits my lap, "you're so lucky, any girl would die to have even two seconds with him." 

"well to be fair I don't care," I shrug my should looking back at the pitch. Barcelona on the counter.

(martinelli is iconic in that interview)

"he's gonna be mad you're not repping his team." She points at the Madrid logo on my shirt.

"I don't even know the guy," I roll my eyes. 

Just then he scores and he blows me a kiss. I cover my face as he winks at me. "Barely know the guy ay?"

Joao's POV

I don't know why I did it maybe I just wanted to feed into the media speculations, maybe I wanted to get to know her more and I wanted to get her attention, but I did it.

"you're in love," Pedri says in a singing tone.

"I hate you," I push him slightly.

"you did this not me." We play the rest of the match and we lose 3-1. Maybe Tatijana is right. Madrid is a better team but I think the only reason we lost is because we're playing away. I look to the stands and see Tatijana leaving.

"Tatijana wait!" I shout out to her and she turns around to look at me. "I'm Joao,"

I smile at her and she smiles back, "good goal Joao, but I'm still a Madrista for life." She turns back around and leaves the stands.

its friday AND i have no homework, so im in a good mood

im gonna try convince my mum to go to costco but she will definetly say no

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now