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I come downstairs and see Joao and Alba talking, "so what actually happened?" Alba asks as I join them on the couch.

"I got a call from my manager telling me to come to this random place and he sent me the address, I got there and saw Camila  I didn't know who she was at first but she told me we were waiting for one more person, then Tatijana walked in and I connected the dots, I was shocked I could tell you were aswell," Joao starts.

"yeah, I was. Then they told us we have to fake date and we don't have a choice, it's so that I stay relevant and the media forgets about his Atletico leave, so here we are," I tell her.

"on your birthday aswell," I shrug my shoulders.

"it's your birthday?" Joao repeats, like he didn't just hear Alba say it.

"yep, I forgot." With coming to terms with all of this, I haven't had time to process it.

"happy birthday," he says. 

"thank you," I smile and get up to get a glass of water.

"and I'm sorry all this had to happen," he apologizes, but it was a two way thing.

"don't be silly, it's not your fault," no one wanted this, no one thought this was gonna happen, so we might aswell make the best out of this.

"should I take you out for dinner maybe? I want to and also it would be good for the media," I can never say no to free food.

"yeah, okay sure," I agree.

"at 7:00, there's this nice restaurant I would like to take you," he says as I take a sip of my water.

"I'll be ready," I probably won't be but I will try.

"what am I supposed to do?" Alba complains.

I roll my eyes, "it will be like 2 hours, you'll be fine."

"but we had a whole day planned," she says. I'd much rather be doing activities in Madrid too.

"we can still go out today," I check the time, "it's only 11:00."

"I don't know any place in Barcelona," she says. I'm confused.

"you live here," I point out.

"Barcelona is a big place and I travel a lot," that's a fair point. 

"I know some places, it may not be the birthday you had planned but maybe I can be your chauffeur and we can all go out together," Joao suggests. I can't lie, I forgot he was here for a second, but that's actually a good idea.

"yeah sure, better than nothing," Alba agrees but I can tell she is sort of annoyed.

"can I bring a friend?" He asks.

"Pedri?" He nods his head, "sure."

He thanks me and calls Pedri. 10 minutes later he arrives on my door step.

"hello," he says as he walks in.

"hi, I'm Tatijana this is Alba," I introduce myself and her. 

"you're very beautiful," he kisses my hand making me laugh.

"thank you," I smile at him.

"I'm sorry you have to fake date this idiot, he's so annoying," hey atleast Pedri's funny.

"oh shut up and you're not." Joao slaps him.

We spend time just talking and getting to know each other. Eventually, we get in my car. I'm not sure why mine but Joao drives, Pedri in the passenger seat, me and Alba in the back.

"where are we going?" I ask.

"it's a surprise," Joao says.

I sigh, "I hate surprises."

"well start loving them," he says, laughing at himself. It wasn't funny.

"Tati look." Alba shows me her phone. My album is top of the charts and it's the most listened to in just the first week of being released.

"that's so good I'm so proud of you," she hugs me, "you deserve it it's so good,"

"thank you, I hope it is," I like my music, but at the end of the day I make it for other people, so the pressure of making good music is high.

"what?" Pedri asks turning his body and kneels on the chair.

"her album is top of the charts and it's the most listened to album ever," Alba says.

"so Tatijana when did you release the album?" he asks but he's just staring intently in my eyes.

"Tuesday and call me Tati." It's crazy that it's Friday. 3 days. And it's already the most listened to album ever. That make me happy, my fans love me and they don't even know me.

"when did you start your music career?" Pedri asks. 

"when I was 17, but I blew up when I was 19," I tell him.

"how old are you?" Joao asks, pulling up to the Barcelona museum.

"23 today, no, no, no I'm not going in there," I shake my head and refuse, I will not be caught dead in there.

"why?" He asks clueless.

"what do you mean why? I told you I'm a Madrista," I'm still in the car crossing my arms even though every one else has gotten out.

"sorry darling, but we aren't in Madrid," Pedri yanks me out the car against my will and we walk inside.

"maybe this tour will make you a culé," Alba says.

"sorry but no tour is beating my teams 14 UCL's." All three of them show me around, showing me all the trophies the history. I can't remember anything they said, because I chose not to listen. I only care about Real Madrid, fight me. It finally finishes after 3 hours of hell.

I run to where the car is parked, "god, I hope no one saw me in there, that would be embarrassing," 

"come on, it wasn't that bad," Joao says, patting my back. I am seriously out of breathe.

"sure, you are all delusional,"  I'm going back to England, where I can support Arsenal in peace.

"yeah, yeah," Pedri rolls his eyes. He knows he's just not good enough to play for Madrid, if they gave him an offer, he would be there in a second. But Bellingham is better.

"where to next?" I ask them getting in the car.

Joao's POV

"who else is hungry?" Alba says.

"I'm starving," Tati replies.

"where should we go?" Pedri asks.

"there's a McDonald's around the corner," I regret saying it though, when I see Tati's face drop.

"umm, actually I don't like McDonald's." She's slowly going pale, she looks like she's seen a ghost and I know, I don't know her well but I don't think she's okay. Did I say something wrong?

"how? It's like so good," Pedri argues and I agree with him, but maybe she's just on a diet. I know celebrities go through random times of dieting before an event or something.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, it's just not nice to me."

"what about Nando's? It's like 5 minutes from here," I offer, everyone likes Nando's.

my school trip was so boring, i got 60% in my geography test, i had a biology test and it was hard as fuck, i also finished my imedia course work. someone save me from school i promise ill pay a huge reward if you help me escape.

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

might aswell be real- joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now