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The next day

Tatijana's POV

I wake up to a message from Camila.


meu linda gerente

 you have a modelling job today

meu cliente incrível 


meu linda gerente


meu cliente incrível

what the hell its literally 9

meu linda gerente

 sorry girl

meu cliente incrível


meu linda gerente


meu cliente incrível

 see you there

meu linda gerente

be on time please

I get out of bed, have a quick shower and get changed. I don't put on makeup because I know they'll do it there, so I just do a little skincare and go downstairs.

I see Joao on the couch. How is he always awake so early? "Morning." He says.

"morning, sleep well?" I ask.

"yeah, you?" He smiles.

"yes, thanks." He's staring at me intensely.

"I've never seen you without make-up before." That caught me off guard.

"thanks?" I assume it was supposed to be a compliment.

"no, you're really pretty naturally," he gives me a reassuring smile.

"thanks, that's so nice of you." That just made my morning.

"just the truth," he shrugs his shoulders.

"when's your match?" I ask realizing I have no clue when to get ready for.

"12:30." Oh. That's just great.

"shit," I say. 

"what's up?" He says, seeing my serious look.

"I've got a modelling job at 11:00 and I don't know if I'll make it in time," I tell him.

His face drops slightly and I feel bad, "oh okay, there's always next match."

I shake my head, "no, I promised I'll be there. Maybe a little late, but I will be there and support you."

"thank you," he smiles. 

"of course, well I've got to go before Camila gets mad at me for being late, again," I giggle lightly.

"good luck," he says.

"lemme give you you're pep talk first." He looks like he needs some inspirational word before his match.

"go on," he signals me to start.

"who are you versing?" That is important information that I need to know.

"Girona." So maybe they have no chance then. Great.

I sigh, "okay good luck, you're gonna do great, trust me, just remember confidence is key. Yeah, Girona is a good club and yeah, your form hasn't been the greatest but you've got great history, a great manager, I mean he's no Carlo Ancelloti but he's decent." He laughs a little at my comment, I'm glad cause I could tell he was stressing. "And you've got great teammates, but most importantly you have you, and your a great player. Yeah, I've only watched you play once, but you seemed really good to me and anyway you have an advantage, your at home. You'll have all your fans backing you, chanting your name, if not for anyone, do it for them and maybe me while you're at it.

He just stares at me, "you alright Joao, I know it's not my first pep talk but I may have gone a little overboard."

"no, no it was perfect. I feel so much better than I did before, I've got so much confidence and I really think we can win now. It's just, my ex, Magui, she would never do this for me she would just tell me to stop being dumb and get my feelings in order. She really wouldn't care about my match, so thank you." Oh. I didn't know he had a past relationship like that.

"it's the bare minimum Joao, you shouldn't thank me for it and no offense but that sounds kinda toxic." It's not my place to comment after my past relationship but I just thought- whatever.

"it was." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm sorry," I rub his arm trying to make him feel better.

"it's not your fault," he gives me a small smile.

"well I've got to go but we aren't finished with this conversation. After you win and bag a hat trick, you're gonna tell me all about your ex and just let all you feelings out," I tell him. It's going to be a free therapy session.

"of course and thank you again," he says.

"no worries," we hug.

"go and make your club proud," I leave.

Joao's POV

She's genuinely the best. I can't believe she can make me feel better about myself in minutes and I just met her. Magui could never do that, Pedri can't do that, my family barely can, she's honestly the kindest person I've ever met and I didn't know celebrities could be like that, I'm glad I got to know her because she's a great person I'm lucky to be able to call her 'my girlfriend'.

I drive to the stadium and go into the changing room. After practice, Xavi give us a little pep talk and we get ready to get on the pitch.

"you ready?" Pedri asks me.

I nod my head confidently, "yep."

"okay bro, what happened did you ask her out or something?" Pedri looks at me suspiciously, but nothing happened.

"no, no I'm just excited to play," I tell him.

"okay, whatever you say then." We walk onto the pitch, do our pep talk and the match starts. All I have is Tati's pep talk in my head, even though she's not here, I'm playing for her. I score a goal in the 23rd minute and for my celebration, I did a heart with my hands and then a T. Yes, I did it for press because Andre told me to do it, but I'm pretty sure I would have done it anyway, she's the reason I scored this goal and I'm gonna make sure she knows it.

my brother is so annoying i got a joao jersey for the Euros and he 'accidentally' got bleach all over it so i have to buy another one

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enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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