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Three weeks later

Joao's POV

It's been three weeks since me and Tatijana met. There's no need to be in denial, I like her, and I don't think I'm good at hiding it. Pedri always annoys me about it so I wouldn't be surprised if she knew. I'm too scared to ask her out, I genuinely have no clue how she feels but it's impossible not to like her. Shes stunning, genuine, funny she's literally perfect.

Pedri walks in out of nowhere, "where is she?" I guess he's talking about Tatijana.

"she's gone shopping," I tell him confused on why he wants to know so bad.

"have you asked her yet?" I roll my eyes, not this again.

"no. I'm not asking for you, you ask." I say.

"I can't just ask to stay in her house," he's throwing his hands around like a maniac.

"so I have to do it for you?" I've already told him multiple times I won't.

"you already live with her," he complains.

"not by choice," I remind him.

"come on, you like each other, she'll say yes to you, she won't to me." He might as well get on his knees.

Right on queue, Tatijana walks in, "oh, hi guys." She looks slightly shocked that we are here, "umm I didn't use your card Joao."

"why?" I ask, I'm trying to be nice.

"I make my own money Joao, I don't need yours," she tells me.

"yeah but I feel bad. I'm living here rent free, you pay the bills, pay for food it's the least I can do." I always tell her this she's probably tired of it but it's true, I need to something for her.

"oh shush, honestly it's not like you have a choice and I don't mind." I just want to show that I'm grateful and she won't let me. 

"to be fair, she probably gets paid more than you do," Pedri says, I didn't even know he was part of this conversation. Oh wait, he isn't.

"yeah I do, no offense but your paycheck is shocking." They always bully me for the amount of money I make and yeah it's not the best, but it's worth it to play at the club.

"none taken and I don't get payed badly," I say. Anyone would be grateful to get payed as much as I do.

"for a football player of your level you do," she tells me.

"where's Alba?" Pedri asks. I was thinking the same but I'm not complaining. She annoys me sometimes, so I was just happy she's not here.

"she has other friends I don't," she stops herself. "Wait no that sounds so sad. I mean she lives in Spain, I don't so she obviously has friends here but I don't really know anyone apart from you guys, since I never really come here."

"ask." Pedri turns his attention to me.

I slap myself, "no."

"ask what?" Tatijana asks.

I sigh, "he wants to-"

"can I live here with you guys for a while?" There is no way he argued with me the whole time just to ask for himself when I was gonna do it.

She looks a little taken aback, "umm may I ask why?"

"Joao wants me too he feels left out," I roll my eyes. That's not even believable.

"don't lie," I push him.

"my house is being raided by fans often and I kinda can't stay there. I need to buy a new one," he explains. 

"oh sorry, about that," she looks sympathetic now.

"y'know what. Forget what I said," he says.

"no. Don't be silly there's plenty of space for you to stay, you can move in whenever," she says. I knew she was gonna say yes.

"really, thank you so much." He hugs her tightly which makes me a little jealous.

"told you," I tell him.

"here you go." She gives me my card back when Pedri pulls away.

"I'm gonna steal your card if it means you'll use mine." I say.

"the day you pay for me I'll cry," she jokes.

"how do you think I feel right now then?" I complain.

"okay well do you guys wanna go out for dinner or I can cook something or we can order in?" She asks.

"I don't mind," I tell her. I'm not picky but I know if we go out she'll pay.

"Pedri your new to the household you choose," she says. Not sure that's the best idea but oh well.

"we can go out," he says with no hesitation.

She nods her head, "anywhere in particular?"

"there's this Thai restaurant about a ten minute drive from here." I've heard of it, apparently it's fancy but I've never been.

"will it just be us three?" Pedri asks.

"probably." Thank god, as much as Alba's a nice girl. If she calls me jealous because I see Pedri flirting with her one more time I'm leaving. "Pedri do you need help packing your things?"

 I know Pedri sort of has a thing for her and I'm not letting her help him pack his things, "oh ye-"

"I'll help him, you've been out all day you should rest," I offer.

"you sure you don't need and extra hand?" She double checks, I really just want her to stay home.

"no but a pair would be great," he jokes. I nudge him in the side. "No it's fine honestly, rest. We should be back in an hour or two."

"okay have fun," she waves at us and we leave.

sorry for the massive time skip but i  don't like filler chapters and i want drama so yeah.

please don't forget to vote!!

enjoy hope you're living your best life cause i know i'm not!!

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