Chapter 76: "Don't Make A Scene"

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Hebi's POV

We watched a constrictai walk into ouroboros.

"Hebi, you go in. You'll blend in," Molly said. I shook my head.

"No thank you," I said.

"You're the only one who can-"

"You could too! Just do your thing!"

"Er-" she looked at everyone nervously. "I don't know what she's talking about."

"Sorry, I forgot it was a secret."

"Does this have to do with her being some kind of-" Lloyd began, but Molly quickly covered his mouth.

"I thought we agreed we weren't going to talk about that," she said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry!"

"Fine. But we could still ambush them!" I said. "That would be much funner than sneaking in."

"But you could pretend to be a spy!" Molly said.

"Anywhere else that would've worked, but not here."

"Oh, well, you're still going!" She quickly pushed me into ouroboros.

"Seriously?" I said before sighing. "Time to become a spy." I put on some sunglasses and began to look for Zane.

After a minute I spotted him. Just standing there. I had to remind myself that he was hypnotized, so I couldn't alert him.

I began to sneak towards him. Until someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see a hypnobrai.

"Are you the child?" She asked.

"Uh,no," I said lowering my voice to sound like an adult.

"It is you! Hebi, right?"

"Er-um. No! I don't know what you're talking about! Bye!!" I attempted to pull away, but she wouldn't let me go. I paled.

"Let me go, please." My tone sounded more scared than I wanted. She sighed.

"I'm sorry." I blinked.

"Sorry for what-" She motioned towards some more hypnobrai, and I paled, attempting to run away. Once the other hypnobrai got there she ran off.

"Nice to see you again, Hebi," one of them said. I gulped.

"N-Nice to see you too," I said, my voice coming out a whisper. He looked at me suspiciously.

"I really never thought of you as the type to do what you did. Never thought you had the courage."

"Y-You didn't?"

"Nope. Also didn't think you were that dumb, but I was wrong about that too."

I grumbled internally. I am not dumb! He's  the dumb one! Well, him and every other hypnobrai. If they used their brains then they would've realized what they're doing is wrong. Or at least that they would end up getting killed by the great devourer.

"I'm n-not dumb."

"You're not! Then why did you betray us? Anyone with brains would realize that they would get punished severely if they betrayed us. And no one can hide from us."

I didn't betray them! I merely escaped that horrible place!

"Er-", I said as I tried to thing of a reason that wouldn't end with him punching me.

"See? You can't even think of a good reason! That just proves how dumb you are."

I grumbled internally again. If only I could punch him. That would show him. Of course I didn't want to make a scene, so I kept quiet.

"We should probably get Scales now," said one of the others.

"D-Don't!" I said.

"Oh, why? Don't you think backstabbers should be punished?"

I grumbled internally. Yes, I did think that. But did I think I was a backstabber? Nope! I'm pretty sure they're the backstabbers! Perfectly okay with ending me!

"Yes," was my only reply.

Don't make a scene, I reminded myself.

"Then you should be perfect fine with this. Since you're a backstabber."

I grumbled internally. Why would I be okay with it? I'm not a backstabber, and yet I'm the one getting punished!

"I-I'm not."

"Then you're dumber than you look." I grumbled internally.

I assumed he thought I meant that I was not being a backstabber.

"Y-You're the-" I began, suddenly gaining courage as he tried to alert Scales.

"Don't you dare call me a backstabber. I'm not the one who left her family to help someone who'd only ever tried to boss us around!"

I so badly wanted to tell him that the hypnobrai were not my family. They'd lost that opportunity a while ago. My family was waiting outside for me to free my brother!

But I didn't.

Instead I said, "His n-name is Lloyd." He gave me a look.

"You're ridiculous. You know that right? Caring more about some rando than your family." He then called for Scales.

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